Yusuke vs Rando: 99 Attacks

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"What is that thing?" Yusuke asked in a shaky voice.

The dark laughter from before echoed,"I'm the one you've been looking for, Rando."

Kagome starting shaking, hard, as memories flashed through her mind...


The Darkness. It surrounded her as the final battle went on outside of the Jewel. The Jewel. The true puppeteer. Controlling Naraku and manipulating everything from the beginning, just so it could keep on existing. Now, it's trying to trick an already broken Kagome into making a selfless wish. All she wanted was her Yoko back. But she knew she couldn't do it. It was a very selfish thing to want when so many people are dying. She closed her eyes as it finally hit her. There was no way to make a selfless wish without causing more problems. That's the trick. The Jewel was too corrupted by all the demons to grant such a wish. So what did she do?

"Kagome!" She looked up as Inuyasha finally got to her, "Found you. You can't make a wish. It'll keep you here to take over from Midoriko."

"I know." She hugged him, listening to both battles; inside and out of the Jewel. "I know why the Jewel was born inside me. It was the only way to protect it and keep demons from getting to it." She looked in his eyes, "I can't be selfish. I am the protector and I always will be. The Jewel can't be destroyed. So it needs to disappear."


"I wish for the Shikon no Tama to disappear from this world."

A bright light surrounded them as everything froze, "Thank you." They turned to see Midoriko standing behind her, "You have freed me." She started glowing, "You are the protector because you are my descendant. You were meant to do this." Her entire being lite up, spreading her light through the Jewel, "As the true protector, you are sacrificing a life of normalcy to continue to be a true Miko. The Jewel, now purified of all demons and darkness, shall remain inside you forever; only to be passed on after your death. To help you continue onto your journey, my power is now your power." The light blinded Kagome, and when she opened her eyes, she was in her family's Well House. Alone. Crying, she sat on the stairs to mourn her friends and loved ones.


The figure rising out of the trench had red hair and piercing red eyes. He was slim, but muscular, with pale skin and a large scare across his chest that spider-webbed across the rest of his body. He had pointed ears and blue tribal lines across his face.

"So that's Rando." Botan mused.

"U-u-urameshi." Kuwabara stuttered, still out of it on the ground. "Are you ready to fight yet? 'Cause I'm ready as soon as you are."

"Huh, even when losing consciousness that boy has a one-track mind." Genkai stated as she looked back at the boy with Botan and Kagome.

"One track isn't the word for it." Kagome shook her head, "It's straight up tunnel vision with no way to look back." She sighed as they turned back to the newly exposed demon.

"This is always the hardest part." Rando stated with a smile. He started walking forwards as Yusuke, weary and still hurting, fell to one knee. "Choosing what technique to use first. Like a drooling boy in a candy store. Perhaps you can give me a good suggestion." Rando stopped right in front of Yusuke and smiled.

Yusuke looked up and glared, "Shut your mouth." He shot out at Rando and started punching him as much as possible, but the hits didn't even faze the demon. "And here's the kill!" He delivered a final punch straight to Rando's jaw, but he demon barely turned his head. "So there!" Yusuke turned back around. Rando just smirked, "Oh, crap!"

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