Hard Fights for Yusuke

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Kagome stood next to Kuwabara, staring in shock at her cousin on the ground.

"Has Yusuke been beaten?" Botan asked, shaking.

"Not yet." Kagome placed a hand on the Reaper's shoulder as Yusuke tried to lift his head, "He's too stubborn."

"What a shame." Kazemaru smirked, "Ow." He frowned as Kagome pulled her hand away from pinching his shoulder, "Blame your cousin, little girl. Maybe next time he'll think twice about running his mouth."

"Well then," She smiled, "maybe next time, I'll just forget that you're human and shoot you with one of my Sacred Arrows. Do you think you'll survive?" He grunted before turning back to the match, "Right." She scoffed, turning back to her cousin.

"If you say you give up, I'll let you live." Kibano said, laughing.

Yusuke strained himself as he struggled to his feet, swaying. Grunting in pain, he wiped the blood off his lip, "Oh well, I guess you'll just have to kill me."

"Ooo... Acting with reckless arrogance that only a kid could have. You probably think you're invincible." Kibano laughed as he watched Yusuke shifting in pain. "You've lost a lot of energy. I know because it's harder to see you in my mask."

Botan said,"Yusuke can't go on like this."

Kuwabara shouted,"You better not die! Darn it!"

"Nice encouragement, Kuwabara." Kagome shook her head, "But, do you think you could speak a little louder? I don't think he heard you?"

He just stared at her, "You're kind of a brat, aren't you?"

"You have no idea."

"Kibano is wrong about him." Genkai said, "Even with the mask, Kibano's Awareness is limited by what he expects. In a normal person, sure, power would have gone down from such an attack, so that's what Kibano sees. But this brat's Spirit Energy has a very unique wavelength. It responds to desperation by getting stronger. He could win, if he could see."

Kagome, noticed that Yusuke had heard what Genkai had said. His eyes lit up and started looking around, trying to figure out his best course of action.

Before he could make a move, Kibano appeared in front of him and punched him in the face. Yusuke shifted back, like he was going to fall, but he grabbed Kibano's arm and locked it with his elbow, holding him in place, "Now it's over!"

Kibano looked shocked, "What!"

"See, this is all apart of my plan, next I'm going to break your arm."

"Yeah! Do it! Then start with his face!" Kuwabara called out in excitement.

"Don't tell him what you're going to do, you idiot." Kagome yelled, slapping at Kuwabara's arm, "And don't shout out instructions, you doofus."

"You hit almost as hard as Urameshi." He deadpanned.

As Yusuke tightened his grip on Kibano's arm, his masked opponent nodded, "Not such a bad idea, if I wasn't a master in every style of martial art. Including grappling." Kibano grabbed Yusuke's arm and pulled him over his head, swinging him around like a lasso, "Here's my favorite throwing technique! The Bonzai Missile!" He flung him out, sending Yusuke flying back like a spinning top.

The group stared in shock as Yusuke slammed onto the ground, bounced up and hit the wall. Blood flew out of his mouth before he hit the ground.

"When he's far away he can't see," Kuwabara lamented, "and when he's up close the guy does judo moves on him! What's he supposed to do?!"

"The only way I see Yusuke pulling this off is with the Spirit Gun." The Bluenette said, "But that's still impossible. He would never be able to make a direct hit."

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