Rando Rises, Kuwabara Falls

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"I know about you and him because he told me."


"We've known each other since we were boys. He's my closest friend."

"No offense, but I didn't think you had any friends."

He smirked, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He straightened up, "I'm a firm believer in destiny and fate. I always believe that we control our lives, to an extent. When you two first met, a connection was formed. It was immediate. Meaning you were destined. But it was up to the both of you to act on that connection."

"And he did." She contemplated, "I've only known him for such a short time, but it feels longer. I think..."

Her eyes widened, "I think I'm in love with him."

"Good. 'Cause I know I'm in love with you."


Kagome turned to the subject of the discussion walking toward her, "You are?"

"Very much." He grabbed her hand, "Kagome, when we first met, it was like this shock of understanding shot through me. Like I knew you. Like I was meant to know you. What started as just fascination and a need to know more, turned into adoration and a need to be more. More than just a fox demon or a thief. I wanted to be someone who was better than I was so I could deserve you."

"But, I'm only a human."

"Well, unlike Sessh here," The fox smirked over at his frowning friend, "that's never bothered me." He stroked a finger over her chin smiled, "Especially now that I've fallen head over heals in love with the best one I've ever met." Sessh nodded and took off, leaving the couple alone.

"Yoko." She started crying, "Falling for anyone was never my attention when I came to this time. The Jewel was. My past feelings for a certain Hanyou is just that... past. It was like we were trying to force those feelings into something that wasn't there." By that point, he had her face cupped in his hands, "With you, it's effortless. Like we were meant. I never thought I would meet someone who made me feel whole. Like..." he gently wiped the tears from her cheeks, "like, you're my everything."

"And you're mine. I love you, Kagome."

She laughed as everything that she was mixed up about just surged together in a clash of enlightenment, "Oh, Yoko. I love you, too. So much."

They leaned in together and sealed their declaration of love with a kiss.


Kagome stood at the edge of the field with Genkai, Botan and the remaining three competitors, "Since he doesn't seem to be moving you'll just have to fight around him. Come on, you two. Let's close up the semifinals." Genkai said.

Kuwabara grinned as he and Shorin walked so they were right across from each other.

"It's ironic that out of all of the fighters," Botan said, turning to Yusuke, "Shorin was last on my list as a suspect."

"Yeah, if you're gonna disguise yourself, why not look cooler?" Yusuke questioned.

"The unassuming doesn't draw attention to themselves." Kagome smirked, "I mean, you've got such a powerful demon running around, a wanted one at that, stealing the powers of psychics. I'd want to keep a low profile, too."

"You'd make a pretty good Spirit Detective, Kagome." Botan flinched at the glare that Yusuke was sending her, "But, that's not important. If Shorin is in fact Rando, I'm afraid Kuwabara is out of his league."

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