Marlo gets on the road eventually stopping to get some coffee; she adjusts the cars radio now and happily moves along to the beats, that night Stiles experiences another nightmare startling their father awake and having to hold his son back from screaming and crying the house down.

Noah calls his daughter knowing she's coming home; "He had another one Marlo" Noah sighs sadly.

"Another one? Oh my god, dad. I'm two hours away from home, I'll be there soon, I love you" Marlo replies glumly from driving all night.

"Kiddo, don't strain yourself please, take a break if you need too" Noah states; walking up to Stiles room while Marlo's on the phone; he notices Stiles staring at a book in confusion.

"Hey, you all right? You ready for school?" Noah asks his teenage son; "Yeah. Yeah, I'm good" Stiles says in a way obviously Noah doesn't believe him.

"Dad, seriously, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare" Stiles states looking at his father.

Noah nods before saying a goodbye to Marlo and picking up the files he got from work; "What's that?" Stiles asks curiously now noticing the box.

"That's just, uh, files from the office" Noah replies; Stiles looks at the label on the side of the box; "It says 'Sheriff's station, do not remove'" Stiles says pointing at the label now.

Noah chuckles looking at Stiles; "Well, yeah, unless you're the Sheriff" Noah says; "Oh" Stiles mumbles.

Noah begins walking away to go towards his home office; "Now, get your butt to school, all right?" Noah says leaving the hallway now.

Stiles turns around before looking at the book again; receiving a text from Marlo now.

'Hey, little man, I'll see you after school okay? - Marlo'

Stiles chuckles knowing Marlo's only coming back for him because they're worried.

'See you then; big sis -- Stiles'

Stiles smiles before leaving the house to go to school; to see his friends; now having something to look forward to after school.

Marlo continues driving through towns to get back to Beacon Hills as quick and safe as possible, as the teens attend school and Marlo gets more texts.

'I'm not the only crazy one now yay — Lydia'

Marlo just softly laughs reading the text message.

'Lyds, you're not crazy, you're a banshee, you have talents no others have — Marlo'

She types out while getting another text message from her brother.

'Scott just had a episode alongside Allison as well, we're all experiencing things from dying and being brought back to life, I'm scared mar a- stiles'

Marlo sighs reading that text message before pulling into the sheriff's station to see her father.

She walks through the doors smiling at the other deputies and the politely smile back; she looks at Riley sitting at his deputy desk.

"Yo, Riles, seen my dad?" Marlo asks as Riley looks at her; "Yeah, his in his office, have fun" Riley states before getting back to work; Marlo nods and walks into her dad's office.

In The End ✶ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now