The witch seemed to laugh, "But you've also broken through the frozen walls and returned my daughter to us. I've never seen her smile as she does with you since she was a girl."

Harry shook his head slightly, "I did nothing but fall in love with your daughter, although Magic did give us a push."

Just a little bit away, Cyrus and Daphne were having a similar talk.

"You're happy," He told her warmly.

"Should I not be?" She questioned lightly.

"Most forced into a contract, as you have been, wouldn't be." He told her. "However, you've made the best of it and have raised the standing of our name."

Daphne shook her head lightly, "I've only done what I needed and ended up falling in love along the way."

"Yes, but you're my daughter again," he agreed with her. "You don't hide behind that mask anymore and you smile again."

"You always called me a princess," She laughed softly, "Harry has turned me into a queen."

"He loves me as I do him, and respects my aspirations. Some of our goals are shared and we strive to assist the other through it all."


After the ball ended and they returned to Potter Manor, Blaise and Neville knocked on the door to Harry's rooms.

They knew that they only had a small window to see the damage of what Daphne did to him and jumped on the chance.

Opening the door, Harry was caught with his shirt and vest open. "What can I do for you two?" He asked them as he let them into the rooms, his hands quickly fixing his shirt.

Daphne's dress was draped over a small couch in their private sitting room as they entered, but she wasn't to be seen.

"You can show us just how badly you come out of it with that girl of yours," Blaise said bluntly.

Harry gave them a hard stare before huffing, "Fine."

He shrugged off his vest and took his shirt off. As he did, they were given a clear view of the dark bruises and bites on his neck and upper torso. His ribs and arms were covered in thin red lines, they were cuts.

As he turned to lay his clothing on the couch with the dress, they were exposed to the white scars on his back. Their attention was on the ten, angry, cuts that started from his shoulder blades and ran down to just before his belt line.

As he turned back to them, Neville noticed something. "Is that lipstick?" He pointed out the dark red smears covering Harry's chest and collarbone.

"Yes," he said honestly, "it's fresh from just a few minutes ago."

The boys applauded him lightly and Neville whistled lowly. "You are freaks."

Shaking his head, Harry sighed. "Is that all you needed? My wife is currently waiting in a bath."

"Don't let us keep you," Blaise chuckled.

With that, they saw themselves out of the rooms quickly and Harry rolled his eyes as he stripped off his slacks. He entered their private bath before removing his final article of clothing and grabbing a towel.

"What took you?" Daphne asked as she watched him from the bath.

"Neville and Blaise stopped by for some boy talk. Since you showed them all they wanted to see what I looked like." Harry told her as he slid into the water behind her.

She hummed lowly as she positioned herself on his lap, facing him. Her breasts pressed against his chest as she pushed him to lean back.

"Did they see that I at least kiss you better?" She asked in a low whisper, her voice holding a playful hint to it.

"They did." He said roughly before pressing a sound kiss to her mouth. His hands settled on her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Daphne moaned into his mouth as their lips moved together. Her body reacted as his tongue tasted hers, his hand sliding down and squeezing her rear.

She could feel his attraction for her as her hand slid into his hair, gripping it as she kissed him harder. She bucked her hips against him, a louder moan being drawn from her as he pressed against her.

She quickly grew intoxicated by his scent and taste and after a few movements of her hips let out a gasp as he filled her.

His nails caused a pleasant sharpness against her lower globe as she lowered herself onto him. Her hips met his slowly as she rocked on him slowly.

A growl tore through his chest as his teeth caught her lip. He kissed her harder as he took hold a firm hold of her rear with both hands and began to guide her movements.

A growl took hold in her own throat as she felt his mind and magic brush hers. It nearly made her lose herself as she threw her head back, a primal sound leaving her. His mouth was quick to latch onto her exposed throat, attacking the sensitive skin as he reached deep within her.

Daphne lifted off him, her hips digging against his. Her breasts bounced with each rise of her hips as she moved against him faster.

"Harry!" She called out as she held his shoulders for stability.

His answering growl and firm hold on her breast only made her take him harder.

"Daph," He said roughly as he lifted under. She moaned out as he pushed her back, taking the lead from her.

Her hair fanned out in the water behind her as his movements grew stronger. His mouth wrapped around the peak of her breast as he stroked himself against her spot, pulling a cry from her.

They continued for nearly an hour in the bath. The water had grown cold when Harry lifted them from the water. Their towels were forgotten as he took her against the wall. Her nails dug sharply into his shoulders as did so.

Her mouth attacked his as he carried her to bed, his attraction still within her and rocking with each step. They spent themselves ten more times over the course of four hours before falling asleep in midmorning.


It was nearly ten o'clock as Anna walked into the sitting room, "Has anyone heard from Daphne and Harry? They're normally up by now."

Blaise and Neville shared a look and a small laugh.

"What do you know?" Susan asked the two from behind her tea.

"We don't know much," Blaise said as they shrugged. Neville cut in, "Other than that Daphne was waiting for him to join her in a bath last night."

Hermione came into the room at that moment, "And just how would you know that?"

"Because Harry showed us just what Daphne does to him." Blaise said casually, "For a snake she certainly has claws."

"So I won't see both of my daughters until they have to return to Hogwarts," Anna said with a straight face.

"What about our daughters?" Cyrus asked as he came up behind her.

Anna smiled and shook her head lightly, "Only that our oldest seems to have inherited your stamina, dear."

His face soured as he groused, "Thank you for unwanted thoughts, my love."

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