She was coming down with her phone in her hand, and no she wasn't walking she was running down those stairs making me shake my head

"Stop running jaan, you'll hurting yourself"

she hmmed but her pace didn't slow down

"Nandini baba sunti kyu ni hai tu" I asked when she reached me

"Mai kyu sunu" she asked hooking her arm with mine

"Kyuki maine bola isliye"

"Toh mai teri bhi ni sunti na"

"Doll don't tempt me"

"To do what" she asked

"To beat you up little kitten" I said and she laughed

"Nah you wouldn't"

"And why not" I asked

"Becasue you love me way to much plus you would never lay a hand on me or any other women"

"Not true, remember I hit that one girl" I siad

"Are you joking me? She was 5 and you were 9 plus it was by accident"

I chuckled a bit at her

"You aren't wrong" I said

"I know, you know what manik"


"I wanna know something"

"Ask away love" I said as I started driving

"So are we dating or what's going on?" She asked

"We can be whatever you want" I told her

She nodded.

A few minutes later she grabbed my arm placing it on her leg, I had been wanting to do that but I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable so I waited.

I caressed her calf gently since she had her legs criss cross. I love her so damn much, I love how cute she is.

"Sleepy" I asked

"No, I jsut like this"

I didn't reply becasue I knew her thought wasn't finished yet

"I like having this physical contact with you, like not in a bad way but it feels comforting and different. Its like something has changed or shifted"

"It has and we both know that"

"Why couldn't you jsut tell me you felt things for me before" she asked

"Im a bit slow jaan and you know that"

"No manik, tu bit slow ni tu boot slow hai as in slower than a turtle"

"Aren't you running that mouth a bit more than you should" I asked

"Maybe but what will you do" she challenged

"Tujhai pata hai sab dartai hai mujhsai aur tu esa dhamki dai rahi hai"

"Thats becasue I know what I mean to you" she said with a smile making me smile

"You mean the world to me"

"Well aware monkey malhotra" she said making me smile wider

she laid her head back on her seat and placed her hand over mine as I continued caressing her calf. Tell me why it took me so fucking lang to realize she is more than a best friend because she is all I needed.

I like being able to physically be with her 24/7, I like sleeping in hr presence, I like when i wake up to see her cute beautiful face in the morning. I just like her a lot, god I love her but we are so young

"Hey you are tensing" she said making me look at her for a second

"Hmm" I asked

"You are tensing a bit, what's wrong" she asked again

"Nothing, mhmm did you like the bouquet" I asked

"I loved it and you got all my favourite books"

"You haven't even read them yet"

"I meant the ones I had been wanting"

i smiled at her.

We got to malhotra industry and nandini had left my arm running in, I swear every time I bring this girl with me she runs straight to my cabin and talks to the fish and turtle's in the aquarium that's in my cabin

I walked to my pa's cabin and got details on our international clients. I was still in his cabin until the girl he is training came in

"Sir" she said

"Yes" he replied looking up from the file

"No I mean Manik sir" she said making me look up curiously

"Ya whats wrong" I asked

"Mhmm there is a girl sleeping in your cabin, she seems in a uncomfortable position" she said

"It must be nandini" I mumbled getting up

She nodded and I walked over to my cabin. I opened the door to see nandini half sitting on the chair beside the aquarium making me shake my head at her

I walked closer and noticed her headphones in, her phone on the floor literally on the floor.

I picked her up causing her to jerk up screaming

"Shhh love, what will everyone think I'm doing to you" I said

She took a few second and when she realized it was me she relaxed in my arms laying her head against my chest.

"Thye won't think anything" she whispered

"You did scream"

"And this room is sound proof" she said closing her eyes

I sat down with her in my arms, I worked on a presentation and nandini just closed her eyes for that bit.

The rest of the day we got back home, nandini and I took brownie out in the backyard where he jumped around while we just walked around. Then we both cooked together and went to sleep.

His Best Friendजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें