Thoughtful, I looked to Elli and then to our father. »Did the Alpha talk to you about it?«

»No, Kenneth didn't say anything in that direction to me,« he said.

»Then I can't give you an answer too, Elli. But most of the pack members already know that I'm the Luna by now,« I said and she shrugged her shoulders. »I just thought so. Mostly everyone knows but it's still too unofficial.«

»I agree with your sister, Kyran,« May joined in and nodded.

»A Luna needs a ceremony to get introduced, even though she probably lived her whole life inside her pack. If an Alpha finds his Luna on his birthday, it's already like a ceremony. But if the Luna is found later, there needs to be a celebration where the Luna gets introduced. Those are the rules. And only knowing who the Luna is doesn't mean the pack accepts her.«

Sullen, I stared at may and shrugged with my shoulders, sighing. »I will ask Cas later.«

After that the adults went back to their conversations and my siblings joined sometimes.

»Dad, do you still want to see the pack hospital? If Kyran should seriously study medicine, you should take a look at the hospital he would work at,« Naika said into the room and Maxim looked at my father, asking.

»Would that be possible? After all, I'm from another pack.«

»Of course, it's possible. And in the company of the Beta nobody should say something,« my father agreed and I could have kissed him out of happiness. Finally, I got away from those two-explosive women.

We cleaned the table together and then Dad, Maxim, Naika, Cal and I climbed into Dad's car. Mom, May and Elli stayed home. It surprised me a bit that Naika and Cal wanted to come with us.

On the way, I pulled out my phone and texted Cassian a short message that we would show Maxim the pack ward in the hospital and that he should join us there if he would still come. And after the ride, that didn't take too long and didn't trigger my panic too much, we arrived.

Even if I wanted to jump out, I couldn't because I sat in the middle of the backseats and on both sides sat one grim looking sibling. Naika was ready for everything and Cal already got to know about my phobia.

Maxim knew about my fear of small rooms too which is why he stole now and then some glances through the mirror at me.

»Finally!« I breathed when we arrived, and I could feel the solid ground beneath my feet. Just as we wanted to get inside the building, I heard something calling my name and felt my heart stumbling. He was here.

Hectically breathing Cas stopped next to me and supported himself on his knees.

»Everything okay?« Worried, I eyed him and stroked his chocolate brown hair.

»Yes, everything's fine. My car just broke down and I needed to run the whole way,« he croaked and straightened up.

»We should work on your stamina,« I giggled, knowing full well mine wasn't a bit better, and dragged him behind me to catch up to the others. I was one to talk about poor stamina.

»From here on, you can take over, Kyran,« Dad said and I stepped forward right next to Maxim.

Even though I wasn't here for a long time, except for the time my nose broke again, nothing had changed. And at the time, I was sick, I spent most of my time here. I knew every corner.

I led Maxim and the others through most rooms and introduced the male and female nurses. Except for the pack-doctor that was responsible for my health back then and also put my broken nose back into its place, the other pack-doctors hide themselves.

»So, you are the pack doctor that watched over Kyran's health when he was still here,« Maxim said and shook the hand of the other doctor.

»Maxim Ramsay. Glad to finally meet you. Kyran already told me much about your abilities.«

»Casey Taylor. I hope he only told the best about me.« Laughing he shook Maxims hand again and then they started to exchange some cases.

Together we went into the room of a young Omega who was chained to the bed because of a heavy flu. At this point I pitied Omegas. They were much more susceptible to any kind of diseases than humans.

»Luke, this is the doctor of another pack. He treated Kyran Crimson, after Kyran left our pack. Maybe Kyran will treat you in the future.«

The little body lifted his head and smiled weakly. He must have had a high fever and his skin was sickly pale.

»Did your fever rise again?« Worried, the pack-doctor frowned and put his hand on the forehead of the boy.

»I will send Samantha to you, okay? She will give you something that will help.«

The boy looked relieved and nodded as a thanks because he was too weak to talk.

Together we left his room and stayed in the hallway. Doctor Taylor called the nurse he had just named and gave her some orders, before he talked to Maxim again. Occasionally, my father said something to the topic too.

Actually, I wanted to say something too but a tingle in my nose got my attention.


I should be your Beta, not your MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin