Chapter 40 - Looking Into The Future

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Christine drank more than one glass of wine for the first time in her life. And maybe it's the immense happiness that she felt, or maybe because she was in the presence of her most beloved people, she wanted to test her limits. So, she downed glasses of wine and danced and laughed to her heart's content. She was surrounded by warm laughter and smiling faces. Aziel and Meg were busy arguing the rules of 'Dumb Charades' game that they were playing. I acted as a referee but clearly didn't help much in stopping the argument, it was rather entertaining to hear them argue. Madame Giry and the other guests were busy in their own amusing conversations. Christine leaned her head on Raoul's shoulder and smiled. Raoul in turn had a possessive arm wrapped around her shoulder and he held her hand in his, laughing at Aziel's debating skills. It seemed that every thought of darkness, loneliness and fear had escaped Christine's mind. She was truly immersed in this joy and felt like she could conquer anything and face anyone, even the Opera Ghost.

Raoul: Are you sure you don't need my help?

Clarissa: The guests are leaving and you should see them off. Don't worry, I am stronger than I look. I can take her to her room.

I said while supporting Christine's drunk body by myself. She was too drunk to get to her room by herself. Well, she did her experiments of checking her alcohol tolerance and now she has to face the consequences tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I decided to take her to her room since it wouldn't appropriate for a newly engaged girl to exhibit her drunk-antics in front of her would-be-in-laws. Apparently, I did not have to worry because Christine was elegant even while drunk. She just got very drowsy with flushed cheeks. No drunk-texting or puking on expensive carpets.

I kicked the heavy door to her room with my foot and carried her the last few steps to the bed. I dumped Christine on the bed.

"Clarryyyyyyyy I'm sho happy. Let's go to Sweden this year." She said.

"Sure, we'll go to Sweden. Right now can you please put your head over that pillow... yes like that. Good girl. Wait a minute I'll get the maids to change your clothes. That corset must be killing you."

I placed her feet on the bed and loosened up the waist of her dress. I was about to leave to call for the maids when I noticed something, it was Christine's diary. The diary was lying on her study table. I tiptoed to the table and quickly hid her diary in my dress pocket.

"Hey, follow me up to my room. I found something." I quietly whispered to Aziel when I walked past him in the hall.

It was late at night and everyone was fast asleep, including the maids and butlers. It was a long night of celebration for everyone. I heard soft knocks on my door. I opened the door and ushered Aziel in.

"Here, I found Christine's diary again."

Aziel: Great. I got us some croissants and butter for midnight snack. Let's see what she wrote.

I felt guilty invading Christine's privacy yet again, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, especially when you are at risk of being stuck in a time for eternity.

Aziel flipped the pages, one after the other. He briskly flipped through the dates and any dates that were recent were skipped over. The last entry dated to yesterday. Aziel looked me in the eyes and nodded. I took the diary in my hand, and like expected, my pendant started glowing just like before. Words started appearing in the consequent pages. I closed my eyes shut, scared to see what happens. Aziel now took the diary from me, to read what's in it.

Aziel: The last entry date in the diary is in the month of December, 1881.

Clarissa: Can you read out, what does it say?

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