Chapter 24 - New Beginnings, Old Roots

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I push my second trolley bag in and walk straight to the ginormous sofa set sitting in the middle of the living room, throwing myself into its cushioned softness. I place my head on the armrest and look up, taking in the sprawling elegance and beauty of the De Chagny Manor. It looked just like I remember. I could only imagine, a grown beautiful Christine, walking in these same marbled corridors, going about her day as the Viscountess.

"Clary, go and wash up first, don't lie down on my white sofa with those dirty clothes." Mom reprimanded. I sigh and get up groggily. The jet lag was taking its toll on me.

I see mom walking around with a tray in her hand while dad was busy chatting with Aziel. I heard them talking about Real Estate in LA, some boring quips about rising inflation and decided to get out asap. It could be any minute that the duo will throw a question at me and pull me in their political/social/economic/business discussion that I was too tired to engage in. After a whole day of lazing around in the house, I decided to take stroll in the gardens of the Manor. Az and I spent the whole day eating and napping, trying to recover the tiring journey. I heard heavy steps behind me, and I didn't have to turn to know who it was. Az snaked an arm around my waist, slowing down to match my leisurely stroll.

"Babe, check your mail."

"Huh, what?"

I quickly take my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket. Az had mailed me some tickets for a show that evening.


I quickly turn around and hung my arms around his neck. He booked tickets for a Broadway show called Betrayal. And guess what? It was starring Tom Hiddleston.

"Hah, I knew you'd love it. Let's get dressed and have nice date today. I informed your dad that we'll have dinner outside."

"Perfect, by the way, where's the show?"

"It's running in Opera Populaire, pretty dope right? The place in itself is an experience, I totally lucked out in getting these tickets for us."

My heart dropped again, nah, I'm just overthinking.

"Az, you remember about the whole time--travelling episode I told you about, and about my ancestry? I know this may sound lame but I'm kind of freaking out. No, I've been freaked out since you first told me we are going to Paris." I looked down, clutching his shirt.

Az cupped my face in his palms and made me look up. Worry painted his eyes. He softly whispered.

"Hey, hey, hey, Clary, I'm here now. I know it was tough on you, coming back to Paris, and now I'm taking you to a show at Opera Populaire. But you know what? I'm here with you this time. Everything that happened before was just a nightmare and you were all alone, alright? Think of it like this, this place holds your roots. Christine Daae and Raoul De Chagny were real people and your actual ancestors. This place has too much history that connects you. You had the best family vacation in this place. The amazing fashion designers you wanted to work with for Subtle also live here. So, don't let a bad episode taint it. It was all just a bad dream, nothing else.

With that I'm done acting like the emotionally mature one amongst us two. Now get dressed, you're about to go on the best date ever."

I chuckled. "I guess you had your therapist moment. Give me some time I have to style my hair."

"Sure, but you know we have to reach on time if we don't wanna miss the show?"

"Yeah no shit Sherlock. You know I'm never late."

"I beg to differ but I'll let that slide, get going already. The tickets were hella expensive."

I was done getting dressed and so I carefully came down the stairs in my heels, my black gown trailing behind. Az was waiting for me at the sofa, he was dressed in a luxurious black tux. He smiled at me which I returned. He offered me his hand which I took, and soon I was driving off to Opera Populaire, once more.

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