Chapter 32 - Like a dream

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I was panting heavily and my stomach hurt from the sudden cardio early morning on an empty stomach, but I didn't stop running. Aziel is in danger and there's nothing else in this world that matters right now. I brought him here, he is in this mess because of me. His safety and well being is and will always be my number one priority. I ran through every hall, stepping into a room, looking around frantically and excusing myself to the next room. I kept on this routine for god knows how many rooms until I stumbled on Andre and Firmin walking out of the manager's office.

Firmin: Ah Ms. Emerson, Bonjour. Is it an early morning for you today?

"I'm so sorry Monsieur, I'm in a hurry. Kavinsky- Mr. Aziel Kavinsky, have you seen him?" I mumble these words amidst my heavy breaths.

Andre gave me a worried look and said, "Yes, we just greeted him, he is in the parlour."

"Thank you Monsieur, I'll see you later."

I run the last few steps, pushing myself forward while also trying not trip. I finally notice a tall figure looking at a painting. I see the familiar back and sigh with relief.

"Az? Are you okay? What's up?" I say amidst panting and holding my stomach.

Aziel turned around immediately and hugged me tightly. Even though I was out of breath and sweaty, this hug helped me feel better, a lot better.

"The worst thing happened to me and I'm scared. Let's get a room, we need to talk about this asap!" Az muttered under his breath while walking away, when he noticed a couple of staff members walked through the parlour.

By a very ominous coincident we find an empty room, and it's the Prima Donna room.

"Last night, I saw the Phantom." Aziel said with a dark, worried tone.

"Last night? That's not possible, he was underground with Christine."

"Last night, I saw him in my dreams." Aziel said.

I scrunched my brows, I opened my mouth, then closed it, and then gave him another look.

"Are we here because you had a bad nightmare? Seriously? Did you also wet your bed?" I drawled sarcastically.

"Clary, of course not! I wouldn't have come here for a mere nightmare. It was much worse. Look, I agree it was essentially a nightmare, but you need to listen to the whole thing."

"Uh-huh, continue." I fold my arms in front of my chest and leaned against the dressing table.

"Last night, in my dreams, I saw myself wandering alone in a very dark, cold hallway. After couple of turns and endless walking, I noticed that the place was none other than the Opera Populaire. But something was off about the place, like someone was following me behind the shadows. I come across a dead end, and look around to see other routes. When I turn back to the wall, he's there. The man in a white porcelain mask, dressed in black and a kind-of rope lasso in his hand. I make a run for it while he chases me, clearly with the intent to kill. But that wasn't all. Suddenly everything around me changes. I felt much colder and darker. Only a while later do I realise that I'm drowning, in a dark, murky lake. I can't scream or move my arms. As I drown, I see the man with mask pull away the ropes from the end of the underground lake, my only source of escape. While I slowly sink to the bottom, helpless and paralysed, the masked man leads a woman in a white wedding dress, towards a dark tunnel, lit by countless candles. That's when I wake up from my absurd dream. Relieved that it was just a nightmare and I'm alive."

"OH-okay. So, you're seeing the Phantom as killer or threat in your nightmares, plausible." I ponder. Could dreams mean anything significant? I see the stupidest stuff and forget about it in the first two minutes of waking up.

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