Chapter 7 - The World from his eyes

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My mouth dropped as I gasped in awe at the scene before me. I was standing over rafters above the main stage of the Opera Populaire. I saw cleaners cleaning seats and boxes of the opera while the orchestra, ballerinas and singers were practicing a scene on stage. Stagehands were constantly walking around carrying and unloading props, some were at the backstage making final touches and stitching patches on the backdrops. It was mind blowing how hundreds of people spend hours of practicing and working to bring together a show. Each and every person's contribution brings these unreal operas to life. I tried to lean over to get a better view of the dancers and a hand appeared before me.

"Careful there. You don't want to drop dead from this height, or worse, be spotted here." Said the man besides me. Throughout this time, I had tightly held on to his forearm with both my hands and not letting even a centimetre loose. I knew he had better balance and sturdier steps than me, and no fear of heights like I did.

I carefully leered down and listened to the beautiful melodies intently. The music was both beautiful and haunting. While some mistakes in the set and instructions from the conductor cut them off here and then, whenever you listen to the melodies of the composition at a stretch, you can't help but be mesmerised. The dance was equally beautiful to watch, the ballerinas moved so effortless it felt like they were flying across the stage. The singers in their half-done costumes serenaded with power and precision, their voice floating with emotions. I thought I could barely blink. It was truly a unique experience to see how organically every small effort from so many people put together a whole show.

I didn't realise how much I was smiling looking down at the stage. While I held Erik's arm tightly, he had his hand around my waist holding me steadily on the rafters. He was intently watching for any movements and was at his full attention to pull me away the instant someone looked in our direction. I felt Erik's cool breath as he leaned down near my ear and said, "I think you should close your mouth now."

I whipped around immediately to see his face too close to mine. I looked into his eyes and said, "I certainly can't help it though. Do you know who wrote this composition? It's the best part of this show."

Erik glanced once towards the practicing orchestra and said, "It's mine. The Opera Ghost sends down what he wants to be performed in his opera along with his letters. They have no other choice but to abide."

My eyes almost popped out. "WHAT you-" "shhh, quite"

Erik's hand was over my mouth instantly. I pushed both of us inwards the rafters where we were completely out of sight. Erik's feet didn't stumble and safely brought us two inside while we both kneeled down under the low roof. I pulled Erik's hand down my mouth and whispered. "Are you serious? This is incredible. You wrote THAT WHOLE THING? You are absolutely brilliant Erik!"

Erik smiled at me genuinely. It was dark but I could see that happiness on his face while he looked into my admiring eyes. He silently whispered a Thank you to me while he tugged hair strands spilt over my face behind my ears. Shouldn't he be lauded with such praises down there in front of the whole world? I wanted to see that smile on him more often. The shy smile that we all have when we get recognised and appreciated. He deserved it more than anyone. Here I was, looking at the man behind the most glorious works of the World's most famous Opera. Yet centuries later into the future there is no mention of him crediting his work. I wanted to change that. I silently promised it to myself while I looked at him. Erik gazed at me questioningly because I was staring at him for too long.

"It's nothing. I just think you look good when you smile Erik. And I meant every word I said. The Opera playing down there is beyond beautiful and you as its writer are just as amazing."

Erik opened his mouth to say something but then silently chuckled.

After several minutes of looking at the stage, we decided it was time to look at the other parts of the Opera. Erik led me through his silent passages yet again. Most of which went through walls and disappeared into corridors. This wasn't as confusing as the underground passages and I did a good job of mapping them to my memory. I saw the ballerina's practice studio, with young girls stretching and leaping around in cute tutus. I spotted Christine immediately as she hopped around with another blonde child. She had a small misstep and giggled at it. Her laughter was infectious. Yet it was equally disheartening to know that such a positive and radiant child had lost everything at a young age. I looked up at Erik and saw his eyes fixed on Christine as well. Whatever insanity follows in the future, it is indeed true that Christine's 'angel' singing to her behind the walls preserved that little hope and spirit in the child. I asked him a few names in the room, he answered all of them promptly. I forgot each of them within a few seconds leaving out Meg, Christine and Madame Giry.

I tugged at his sleeve which was our silent signal for 'let's hit the next spot.' Just like that I saw the whole Opera House in a new perspective. I saw each room through angles I couldn't before as a tourist to this place. It was both fascinating and depressing at the same time. I could see the hustle-bustle, the activities, the laughter and gossips. Yet no one could see or hear me. The world around me moved in happiness and sadness yet I couldn't be a part of it like everyone else, I was just an invisible soul who can only watch and hear from behind the walls. Just few hours of this tour and I was already eager to hop in my Victorian dress and jump through these walls, take in some sun and talk to some people. The man standing besides me did not just pretend to be a Phantom, his life is practically cursed to be one. He was like the dead cursed to wander amongst the living. No one to listen and reciprocate his thoughts, no one to ever care for him. I noticed through the open windows that it was close to dusk. I took Erik's arm and said "Hey, if it's possible can we hit the terrace real quick? I think I need some fresh air."

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