Chapter 10.1 - First Show

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The Opera House was bustling with activities since the morning. It was the big show day which as Monsieur Lefèvre said has been sold out. Performers were doing their last-minute costume rehearsals, the seamstresses were making adjustments, the stagehands moved around lifting props and practicing the stage formation, the kitchen was busy with preparations for servings and drinks at the show and I was with the Stage Director team. Pierre has been called by people at least a hundred times since the morning. Everyone wanted the Stage Director's instructions and supervision to wrap up their finishing touches. Pierre busily rushed around and calmly repeated his instructions many times. He still had his own work left with the prop placement and coordination. Me and Robert were at his tow taking all instructions, doing every possible errand for him and quietly gushing about how amazing Pierre was at his work. I took quick trips to the kitchen to grab snacks and fruits for Robert and Pierre, who had no time to eat a proper meal.

"No Pierre, sit down and finish that sandwich, just because I'm following you around don't think I'll catch you when you faint." I said thrashing the package of sandwich in his hands.

Pierre led out a laugh. "This is the third time since the morning that fed us Clarissa. But thank you, if it weren't for you me and Robert would have another day of working through stomach ache."

"Also, Clarissa makes the best sandwiches. On usual days we worried about fainting from either hunger or stress. But with you around our worries are at bay." Robert chimed in.

"Thank you boys! But I have to leave you here. The hospitality department called for me. I must go since have no idea what I'm supposed to do this evening."

"Dinner on me today! We definitely have to celebrate our first show as a team!" Pierre said.

This earned an instant affirmation from me and Robert.

Me, Robert and Pierre did a trio high-five (courtesy to me, I taught them high fives and now it has stuck as the unique greeting code for the Stage Direction team) and went our different ways.

I peeped through the balcony near the stairs and saw carriages of all sizes bringing in people. You can clearly see from the carriages and clothes alone that a lot of people here were the Crème de la crème of the French society. I could hear some occasional German, English, Russian, Dutch and Spanish conversations and coachmen and maids assisting their masters to their seats. This clearly was the best Opera House in all of Europe.

I wore a deep burgundy gown akin to all other hospitality staff in the Opera House. I went back to the lair to get a shower and do my own makeup and hair. This is because I almost gagged when I saw all those powdered wigs and ashy rouge that suspiciously smelled metallic in the common dressing room. Nope, I'm all in for 19th century French adventures but no way in hell I'm messing with their unhygienic makeup and hair routines.

I looked in the mirror one last time, satisfied with my soft modern-looking makeup and hair. I spritzed some perfumed and turned around to see Erik. He reassured that I'm looking perfect and absolutely professional for the work and that I don't need to be nervous.

All the velvet and gold seats filled in quickly and the whole place now smelled like a mix of expensive colognes and perfumes. I scanned all the upper seats and boxes to check the people I'm going to wait for the evening. Many glistening diamonds, gemstones, pearls, platinum and gold accessories caught my eyes, and as the daughter of a man in jewellery business, I knew that these nobles had hefty coffers to be able to afford those pieces. Quite mysteriously, the box five was left absolutely empty.

Halfway since the performance started, I walked along the corridors with a tray in hand. It had two glasses of very expensive wine and a pour of whiskey which I know would cost thousands of dollars, just that one serving alone. I carefully walked to my clients in box eight, who dressed like a royal family in period dramas. The two women swivelled their wine glasses in their hand while the man acknowledged me as I kept down his whiskey and he turned back to look through his gold-plated binoculars. I politely asked if they need anything else in the exact words that I had memorized. This caught all of their attention and one of the women peered down from her fan. She then said, "Wait, what is your name?" and now all the three of them were looking at me, I heard whispers from nearby boxes who glanced in our direction. I thought I heard people in the hall that the occupants of Box eight were from the family of a Count.

"Emerson, Clarissa Emerson." (I mentally slapped myself at that response)

"Mlle Clarissa, are you from around here? Because wherever you are from, I must enquire you about your makeup. It is different from anyone else here yet it looks exquisitely applied."

Damn. Come up with a convincing answer, quick!

"These are actually makeup products I make myself with natural ingredients. I once worked as an apprentice for an herbalist and then later a beautician, then figured the rest out myself." I spat out with a polite customer service smile. I was praying that they buy my bullsh*t backstory or I will just go down the lair to disappear forever. This is too embarrassing.

The woman surprisingly took my answer and said, "Well, Mlle Clarissa I would like to meet you again. How about we fix an appointment with you at my manor?"

I blinked back in utter shock, and so did her other two companions in the box. Wherever this was going, I liked it. Gears were winding up inside my brain and I promptly replied, "Thank you Mademoiselle. It will be my pleasure. I'd come along with all the necessary things as well. It's a pleasure making your acquaintance." I said with a business-like smile and reached out my right hand for her to shake – just like I saw my dad do growing up. The woman raised her eyebrows then took my hand and smiled at me.

"You can call me Countess Elizabeth."

"As you wish Countess."

The show finally ended with one last aria. I was near the stairs where Pierre asked me to wait for him. I saw the Countess and her two companions walk by. She smiled at me while the other woman nodded. The man gave a nod as well. The trio was covered by four heavily armed guards and led to their carriage with footmen waiting for them.

A tap on my shoulder and I turned around to face the bright smile of Robert. Pierre was a few steps behind. We went to a bistro and had a hearty meal with some wine. I packed some baguettes and pastries to take home for Erik.

My mind went back to the incidences of the evening. Meeting Countess Elizabeth was not just a chance encounter but a blessing in disguise, I'll make it is. 

Hello everyone, thanks for tuning in!

Check out the picture above as a reference for Clarissa's makeup look and hairdo for the day. I'm kind of disputed between the coral red and maroon red lipstick shades, whichever goes better with a burgundy gown! XD

This is chapter 10.1 because an important incidence from this day will come up in the next update. (Since you must have noticed Erik was MIA in this chapter)

Coming up – a chapter that will bring a turning point to Erik and Clarissa. Add My Forever and Always to your reading list to not miss any update. It'll be great if you could vote and comment as well! 

My Forever and Always (The Phantom of The Opera)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz