Chapter 12

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Wait, what.

The familiar beautiful girl in front of me is Christine. I knew I'd bump into her and other characters some or the other day, but I didn't expect this. I was caught completely off guard.

"You must be Meg, Madame Giry's daughter. Am I right?" I spoke to Meg, hiding the surprise in my voice.

"Yes, you're right! Miss, did mama tell you about me?" Meg spoke to me in a confident voice.

"That's right. She told me" I smiled. I was clearly lying. Why will Madame Giry go around talking about her daughter to an absolute stranger she just hired? But I can't reveal that I know all of them from a movie that will release more than a hundred years from now.

"Looking at your costume, you both must be ballerinas then. I'm Clarissa Emerson, I work as an assistant to the Stage Director. I just joined a couple of days ago"

"Hello! I'm Christine Daee" "I'm Meg Giry" the girls promptly chimed in.

"You guys can just call me Clarissa. But hurry, I heard the practice begin while walking down that hall." The girls looked at each other wide-eyed. They were surely late and were both equally scared of their strict instructor.

"Then we'll take our leave Clarissa!" Meg huffed hurriedly.

"When will I see you again?" Christine asked sweetly.

"At dinner, I'll be there. Now don't run and ask Meg to slow down. Be careful girls!" I waved while watching them scurry away in their tutus.

I climbed down the last few steps as I peeped into Erik's underground place. Instead of the usual music, I was greeted with sounds of footsteps and utensils tinkering. For a change, Erik was in kitchen fixing himself a meal. Well, guess the days of nagging him made him realise that humans need food to sustain.

I walk in the kitchen while he was stirring a cauldron filled with soup.

"Wassup buddy" I greeted while peering inside the cauldron.

"Oh Clarissa! Want a plate?" Erik said without looking at me.

"Yes sir! Also, once you're done with that, I have some news to drop. I'll go change asap!"

"Sometimes I don't feel like I am conversing in the same language as you." Erik said while shaking his head.

"Erik you know I gotta use the chill lingo with you man, or else even my dreams start looking like period dramas." I then heard some chuckles but chose to ignore.

I slide into the room with my things while dropping my bags around. I squealed a bit thinking about breaking the news to Erik.

"So, the news" I started on the dining table while taking the last bite.

"Yes, you were going to say something." Erik looked up at me.

"The Countess and I sealed the deal. She ordered a batch of all of my products. I'll prepare them this time with proper packaging and branding. My idea of selling goods has worked!"

"That is a wonderful news Clarissa. I told you the things that you showed me were truly mesmerising. At our Opera we have the finest cosmetics for theatres, but nothing matches how exquisite your products are." I felt butterflies seeing how proud Erik was.

He raised his glass to toast and I followed suit.

"To the start of your business venture!" Erik toasted.

"Another news, its not about me but about you."

"News about a person who doesn't exist? You make me laugh." He said bitterly.

It was true, Erik lived without any trace or identity. His presence is nothing but a rumoured ghost, which no more than few people would actually believe in.

"Hey, listen to me first. I promise it will be worth your time."

"Go on" Erik nodded.

"So, while I was having tea with Countess, her brother, Andre was discussing his new manor and how he didn't like architectures around France and Europe. He thought all noble manors had repetitive designs. His manor also has a garden and an extended hall. The plot for the manor is located north near the Belgium border."

"Alright, but why are you saying this to me?"

"Because I told Andre that I know an architect and saw his designs myself. This architect has unique designs that are very intricate and creative. I can mediate between him and this architect. Andre asked me to meet him three days from now so we can talk more about him."

"You promised to meet a man you've known for barely an hour. And meet him privately? So what if he's a noble?" Erik's face had turned into a stiff expression. He was clearly angry. What is wrong with this guy?!

"Yeah, that's not the point Erik. The architect I told him about is YOU. I didn't reveal your name and said you work privately. This is a brilliant opportunity, Erik!"

"What? How dare you? I don't remember asking you to find me a job. You know better. All of this is out of question!" Erik said in a frantic voice. I knew he would oppose it but he looked angry enough to throw me out of the Opera house.

"But you should still give it a thought. I can act as an agent for you, you can work under an alias. What's the point in keeping your architectural ideas in a dark underground basement? Your ideas are clearly good enough to establish you a successful career. Heck you don't even get credits for your compositions that are performed in Opera Populaire. I know that you've worked as an architect before in Persia. Am I right Erik?"

"How do you – right, you know everything. But this is simply outrageous. You have no right to implicate me in your madness."

"Erik, just think about it. I have an arrangement that will not compromise your identity. At the same time you'll build something out of your ideas instead of shutting them out. Please, do it for me?"

Erik sighed.

I sat down and tried to convince him for another thirty minutes. All I want is for Erik to have a better life. I want to be here to support him and have him build a life of purpose and happiness. He doesn't deserve this hell anymore.

Finally, I convinced him.

We worked the rest of the night. I described the Manor's layout and we studied its blueprint together. Erik helped me with designing a brand for my cosmetics. He brought some late-night snacks and we kept working. We were both dedicated to our work and that kept us motivated.


I pried my eyes open. The candles in front of me had burnt off. I glanced at my wristwatch to see it was 10 in the morning. I yawned and shuffled. I heard light snoring near my head.

I opened my eyes properly and realized I was sleeping besides Erik on the couch. My head was on his shoulder. Our bodies were snuggled close. Holysh*t. 

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