~Chapter Twenty-Six~

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Third Person Pov:

Kay, Dougie, and Devante all left the hospital since visiting hours were over with. They had to keep him for at least 3 more days just to make sure he was really ok.

Kay went back to his house while Dougie went back home with Devante.

"Stop right there." Doug said as Devante tried to sneak off upstairs.

Devante sighed.

"What?" Devante asked.

"You still haven't answered my question, what were you and Justin talking about?" Doug asked.

"Arion, I told you it wasn't anything important." Devante said.

"First, chill with the government. And second, it's obviously something important cause you won't tell me." Doug said.

"Bro, get off my case it's nothing I was just checking on him that's it." Devante said.


"Devante, did you put Justin in the hospital?" Doug asked.

"What the hell are you talking about? I wouldn't ever do anything like that and you know, I can't believe you would even ask some shit like that." Devante said.

"Mhm, so why are you getting so defensive?" Doug asked.

"Cause your accusing me of shooting Justin! I wouldn't do something like that!" Devante said.

"I didn't accuse you, I just asked a question that's all." Doug said.

"And now that I'm thinking about it, the night the shooting happend, I didn't see you at all for the whole night!" Doug said.

"So you think I shot Justin, is that what your implying?" Devante asked.

"Ion know what to think Devante, but I know if your lying it's not gonna go well for you." Doug said as he walked off.

As much as Dougie didn't want it to be true, there was a possibility that it was Devante. And he still had so many unanswered questions about that night.

It didn't make sense to him why Shakeem was there with Justin. Could they have been secretly seeing eachother behind Devante's back?

It was all a mystery to Doug.

Time Skip


Justin layed in bed starring up at the ceiling. For some reason he was thinking about Shakeem and he kinda felt guilty about his death.

He didn't understand why Devante was doing all this. He never even loved Justin like he said he did so why was he doing all this?

And  part of him  was afraid of anybody finding out what happened just because of what Devsnte might do to him if they did.

But another part of him wanted to just tell everyone and have Devante sent to prison.

Justin was snapped out of his thoughts when the door opened.

It was Doug.

"Doug? Whatchu doing here? Visiting hours are over." Justin said.

"Don't worry about all that, I need to ask you something and it's very important. I need you to be 100% honest with me Jay." Doug said.

"Ok..." Jay said.

"Is Devante the one who put you in the hospital?" Doug asked.


"Jay. Answer me." Doug said.

Cliffhangerrrr, what do y'all think? Will Justin tell Doug the truth? Or will he lie?

Hope y'all enjoyed❤️

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