~Chapter Twenty-one~

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(Kay And Doug Chapter)

Third person pov:

Doug had been staying at Kevin's house for a week now just to keep him company. He woke up next to Kevin. He immediately got up and ran to the bathroom to throw up.

He had been getting morning sickness since he's stayed at Kevin's house and didn't know why.

"Doug where you go?" Doug heard Kevin say.

"I-im In here." Doug said.

"You threw up again? Doug I keep telling you you need to go see a doctor this shit ain't normal." Kevin said.

"I geuss I'll set up an appointment for tomorrow, but since you up can you go get me some pickles and some ice cream?" Doug asked.

"Sure imma go to the store." Kevin said leaving the bathroom.

Doug didnt understand why he felt like this, he's also been having weird food cravings. Pickles dipped in ice cream, red meat, he'd also been craving spicy foods which didn't make sense because he hated spicy food.

He'd also been experiencing mood swings, and he was also days late on his period. (Yes he's intersex)

"No I can't be it ain't no way..." Doug said to himself.

A million thoughts ran through Doug's head, he couldn't be pregnant. Him and Kay weren't even a couple, well at least not yet.

And he never planned on having any kids.

He refused to believe he was pregnant, and plus he couldn't even jump to conclusions yet, he hadn't took a test yet.

And even if he was pregnant, how would Kay react? Would he be happy? Would he leave him? So many thoughts ran through Doug's head.

The whole time Kevin was at the store, Doug was busy having a mental break down.

Time skip

Kay gets home

"Babyboy? I got yo stuff." Kevin said putting the stuff on the counter.

Doug walked downstairs and grabbed the stuff. "Thanks KayKay." Doug said smiling.

Doug took the pickles and dipped it into the ice cream for taking a bite.

"Ew wtf?" Kay said making a disgusted face.

"Stfu this shit is good." Doug said smacking.

"If you like it I geuss." Kay said shrugging his shoulders.

To Kevin, Doug has been acting pretty weird lately. He was having a bunch of mood swings, he's been throwing up a lot, craving weird foods. He was pretty worried about Doug.

He decided the shake the feeling off, Doug was going to the doctor tomorrow and it was probably nothing.

But little did he know 🤭

Oopppp looks like a new family member will be added to the Perez and Howard family🤭 what do y'all think about this?

Hope Y'all Enjoyed❤️

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