Frigid Land Part 2

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"My name is Yara of the Ice-Fang Tribe and I need your help."

"With what?" Katsuki asked, glaring daggers at her. Despite the intensity of his gaze, she remains unfazed. Though the blonde brawler notices a small bead of sweat trickling down her forehead. Taking advantage of it, he begun popping off small explosions. Nothing damaging, simply for show and a matching feral grin to add the charm.

"If you're upset about the attacks my people did, please understand that we only wish to find out the exact measure of your strength." Yara, as she had introduced, added hastily. "One of the Giants had taken command of my tribe and forced us to feed him. We...I mean, I suggested we try something different."

"You guys cause the Red Gate?" Cole interjected, curiosity peaking. Her words also had the same effect on Katsuki as the blonde recalled Yogumunts' own words. Perhaps she is in her cahoots with that old man.

"Red Gate?" Yara repeated, baffled by the term. Although understanding dawned on her relatively fast.

"Well, I don't know about this Red Gate but you were accidentally summoned here by our shamans who were trying to open up a portal to the Rulers' prison to rescue our tribesmen." Yara said uneasily. 

"But we've decided to try and asked for your aid."

'She's definitely hiding something.' Katsuki concluded, noticing the tone of voice. Her words left an impression on the young hothead. Given the mysterious nature of the Gates and Dungeon, the Ice Elf before them could provide them some insight into the Gates. 

If he hadn't met Yogumunt, he would have simply end her life like any other self-respecting Heroes would do. However, the past few events have made him decided not to follow through make a particularly hasty decision. 

"Let me get this straight; your wizards used a spell to call forth this...prison to get additional meatshields but instead you somehow wound up summoning us? " Katsuki asked, scowling all the while. They essentially got dragged into someone else's problems by simple bad luck.

"Did I mention it wasn't on purpose? Besides you guys handled yourself fairly well. One of you even wear my people as a mask." Yara said, making a jab towards Cole. It took Katsuki a moment to realize she was referring to the bone mask the Western hero was wearing. Slightly disgusted, Katsuki opted to focus on the questioning. 

"Why not do it yourself? I've fought some of you before and I think a pack of your folks can handle a Giant." Cole stated, beating the explosion user to the punch. 

Much as he dislike the mace-wielder, he silently agreed with the American hero's statement having fought Ice Elves on several ocassions. Giants might have incredible strength and durability but their speed is lacking. Due to this, multiple fast moving hostiles could easily overwhelm their senses.

"True. But...this one is different. He...I don't know what happen but he's different than the other Giants. We don't know what happened to him but something changed him. Powers unbeknownst to us made him impervious to our spells and blades. The Ice Tusk aren't enough and the local Yetis have abandoned us out of cowardice." Yara answered, mentioning the ape-like beasts with bile.

"You'll have to come with us. Give us any weapon you have and come alone or we'll have you and whatever entourage you have killed." Katsuki stated coldly. New knowledge or not, he will not risk the safety of himself and his allies. 

"...I brought no one to this meeting but myself." Yara's words earned a snort from Katsuki and Cole's mocking laughter. 

"Lady, that's bull and you know it," snarked Cole coldly, gesturing to their surrounding with his mace in a grandiose manner. "I ain't got super senses but I can tell there's gotta be some folks backing you up. Anyone with enough sense would bring a couple of bodyguards with them to a deal. Especially with someone they're not cool with."

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