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Izuku's awe-struck words echoed across the large chamber, the sound bounced against the walls of the room. The entire design reminded the young teen of the final boss room in a fantasy game, old and worn throne room with massive statues aligned against the walls, and a single empty throne in the middle of it all. Mosses and other floral life have grown and covered the statues and other parts of this chamber but only the throne remained intact, undamaged by the surrounding elements.

"This is one fine statue." Saikos' comment drew Izukus' attention toward a statue. A towering statue modeled after an angel, standing several feet away from a throne. Six wings were folded against its back and had a hood drawn, preventing people from seeing its face and a tablet was held in its hand.

"What do you think about this place Intelli-san?" Izuku asked, absently tapping on

"From a personal standpoint, this is a place of wonders but from an objective one, it's rather perplexing." She spoke, tapping on the statue. It wasn't hollow given the sound. Saiko did not know a thing about craftmanship but can easily tell they were well-made but it confuses her.

Any scholar worth their salt can tell all of them were based on human armor, belonging to the sects of medieval warriors in western countries. Human armor. Item bearing likeness to human creation were often found in Dungeons on monsters' bodies and after many years, had been unanimously considered as uncommon findings by the modern-day researchers as several species of Magic Beast such as Orcs and several selective bipedal species have weapons and armors not too dissimilar to human.

"Why is that?" Izuku asked. The woman pondered on the answer, thinking about a proper reply but decided against it.

"It's just something that concerns my thesis. Nothing that concerns you, Izuku-kun."

"Oh-okay then, Intelli-san," He replied, not wishing to pry.

Looking around, he walked towards the throne. He didn't know why but something about it drew his attention. It was unexplainable like an invisible force is egging him to focus on the throne. Truthfully, it looked quite simple; lacking an ornate design. It have no fancy jewels nor made out of gold . If anything, the only noteworthy part was how it looked like it had been carved out of marble stone.

'Hmm, maybe just once.' He thought giddily, wanting to take a seat. When he did, the seat felt wonderful. It felt cool to the touch. A sigh of content escaped Izuku as the young man immersed himself in its coolness. It might not be soft but it is comfortable. Almost like it was made for him.

Much to his confusion, a large magic circle appeared beneath everyone. All of them looked down in bafflement as it began to glow a bright blue. The very air began to hum with power as the glow intensity grew. A nauseating feeling grew within Izuku at the sight. Soon enough, the glow grew too bright and Izuku shielded his eyes and waited until it died down.

'H-hello? Kacchan? Intelli-san? Anyone?" Silence greeted him. When he pulled down his hand, he found an empty room. No one left except all by himself.

"T-this has to be a joke right?" He laughed nervously. Only his laughter echoed across the empty room. Maybe they'll come back if he got out of this seat. Quickly, Izuku tried to get up as this entire issue started due to the seat. However, he was surprised to find out he was unable to move.

'I can't get up?!' He thought in shock, trying as hard he can. Pull and yank he did with all his might and yet his own body refused to budge. He immediately attempted to remove his pants-ridiculous as it sounds-but he grew horrified when his hand wouldn't even obey him. The only reason would be this chair's doing.

Anger boiled within, frustration growing as well at the thought of a mere chair restricting him.

"Damn you!" He hit the chair.

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now