Leveling Part 1

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Jumping through the portal, he landed on the ground and noted it was incredibly warm. Searing heat, far greater than any summer heat, were felt on his skin. Looking around, he noted the area looked like something in a volcanic region. The entire region looked like it can't support any life whatsoever. Massive spikes of black earth poked out of the ground with red glowing red veins running along it's shaft.

[User: Izuku Midoriya has entered the Red Gate: Burning Crucible]

'Oh gee, thanks for telling me,' Izuku thought in fear, tucking away the Map into the Inventory. Anyone with a working brain can tell this entire place is screaming Red Gate. Is this what the Map of Success's special effects? Turning normal Gates into a Red Gate. 

Unless the System sees the only way for him to be strong is to go through difficult places like these. It does make sense in the grand scheme things of things. The monsters are dangerous but so is Bellion. Hopefully Bellion would be strong enough to handle them.

'I'm gonna die here aren't I?' he bemoaned. 'Just when I finally escape one death and here comes another. Great, no really. What's next System? Gonna give me something more helpful?'

The man's thoughts were cut short when the ground shook. Brief but he definitely felt it and the shaking grew in magnitude with each passing second. Looking around, the young man found a large rock and ran over to it as fast as he can and hid behind it. He noted it felt incredibly warm and remind himself not to touch it, lest he burn himself. Poking his head out just enough to catch the tell-tale sign of a massive lizard-like creature.

[Green-scaled Salamander]

'A salamander?!' He gasped, watching the lizard-like monster looking around for something. A forked tongue lapping up and down as it swiveled left to right, almost as if it's searching for something. Despite it's name, the underbelly of the monster is black as the night and only the upper parts are green-scaled. Big as a wolf and just as thin.

'Right, right, keep it together.' He recited to himself. Now isn't the time to panic and try to remember what Saiko told him. If he remembers correctly, Salamanders are known for their thick scales and strong muscles, have high flame resistance and individually speaking they're on par with a C-rank Hero. They're also known to move in...packs.

Oh great, right off the bat a C-rank Monster known for their strength in numbers greets him and these things are just considered as grunts in most B-ranked Dungeons. Saiko also mentioned how Salamanders are often found with a peculiar monster. What they are specifically is something he just can't recall right. In addition, this thing is called a Green-scaled Salamander. For all he knows, it might have a different form of weakness than the normal ones.

In any case, the best solution is to kill this one, post-haste lest it warned it's packmates.

Izuku wondered why the floating textbox containing it's species name is glowing a dull orange. Though he decided that question can be answered on a later date. Right now, this thing needs to be dealt with.

Knuckleduster worn in place, the young greenette looked around and found a rock, not as big as his hand thankfully. Gingerly poking it, elation filled him at the knowledge it was not particularly hot. Well, it was lukewarm but it will serve it's purpose. 

He poked his head out, only to find the monster had gone. Odd. Izuku's thoughts halted when he felt something wet dripping on his clothes. The mucus was thick and green, having the similar texture to a saliva. Following the sight, bile rose into his throat as the massive lizard-like monster is standing atop the rock. Reptilian amber eyes boring down on him and saliva dripping down the razor sharp teeth packed maw. A single forked tongue lolling out, whipping through the air.

Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku MidoriyaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora