Chapter 50 - "Looks like someone got pissed"

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I enter our school, the first thing I notice is Dylan, Lexi and Marcus standing near the lockers.

I walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" I say with a grin,
"You're late" Dylan says,
"Am i?" I raise an eyebrow
"Mhm, you're always late, and if you continue coming late like that, then I'll have to come and pick you up for school everyday" he crosses his arms
"I actually don't mind that" I smirk

"Woah woah! Dylan?? I'm right here" Lexi says
Marcus laughs, "This is so weird Dylan, you're literally flirting with Daisy infront of Lexi like that"
"Yeah and?" Dylan tilts his head
"Wow I'm out of here" Marcus raises his hands and walks away

I feel like I'm the problem here.
"Nice bracelet Daisy" Lexi says and walks away

Guess she noticed our matching bracelets
"Damn" Dylan laughs,
"That's funny?" I look at him,
"It's just public opinion, let's not care about it, and the bracelet looks cute on your hand" he winks
I smile, "thanks, by the way, tomorrow is my birthday, Liz told me she's gonna arrange everything for me, so make sure to come!"
"Ofcourse I'll come, I'm more excited than you are about your birthday probably" he pats me
"Uh why?" I ask
"Remember your promise?" He smirks
"Oh shoot! I thought you forgot about it" I cover my face
"How can i forget about a special moment that we are gonna have on your birthday?"
"We will see how special it will get" I grin
"Come here" he says and hugs me

God I love this boy so fucking much.

Why not me...? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz