Chapter 48 - "jealous?"

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It's been 2 hours since we were hanging out, so we decide to go home. Daniel drove me home since it was kind of late too.

"You live here right?" Daniel asks while parking his car near my apartment
"Yep, right here" I take my things
"Let me help you carry those" he says and gets out of his car
"Thanks" I shut the car door

We were about to head inside my apartment, but suddenly we notice Dylan standing near the staircase while crossing his arms
"Had a date I see.." Dylan asks while glaring at Daniel,
"Dylan, are you serious right now?" I raise my voice
"That's what I should be asking you right now" he gives a sarcastic laugh
"Oh really? Why? Do you own her?" Daniel asks out of the blue
"Daniel." I say quietly
He shakes his head looking at me, indicating me to shut up probably

Dylan laughs, "you're the one who's gonna tell me what I'm supposed to ask her and what not? Know your place, Daniel" he takes a step closer
"You're doing everything so wrong Dylan, you're ruining everyone slowly, mark my words, you will regret this" Daniel walks away

I get so angry at that moment, I look at Dylan, "what is your problem? Like seriously."
"I'm sorry, you hanging out with him kinda pissed me off" he sighs
"Why...?" I ask in a confused way
"When other guys are around you..of course I'm goddamn jealous..." He shrugs
"We aren't even dating, so who are you to even stop me from seeing someone" I had an instant regret after saying that
"Daisy...I do want to date you...but this is just not the right time, I'm sure you know what I mean"
"No I don't know what you mean." I shake my head
He sighs, "If we date right now, it will be wrong in so many ways, just think about how Hannah will feel, How many questions will Lexi ask? I don't even trust Lexi, she would literally trash talk about you to all the people in school, and I'm sure we both don't want that"
I slowly nod "Oh...well I do get it now, but we could still date, like you know in private"

Why not me...? Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu