Izuku:understandable if i did that at eri's age mom would've acted like that maybe worse...probably worse.... definitely worse....i would've been a dead man

*Momo gave an amused smile as she gave a polite bow and walked away, izuku walked inside and his body started to tremble. Eri who heard everything and was watching threw the corner was scared of how her father would react to the news. Then she heard laughter. Confused she walked closer and saw her father izuku Midoriya holding the wall while he laughed*


*Eri said in a confused tone. Her brain not knowing how to process this information*

Izuku:o..oh my sides my God it's been a good second since i laughed that hard. I can't believe you drank beer pfff hahahahahaha o..oh God it's hurting to laugh o..oh magneto...

Eri:you're...taking it a lot better then mom did, and i didn't drink beer i took a swing and i spit it all out it tasted god awful

Izuku: good for you honey and no. I'm not mad, confused yes but not mad i would be a hypocrite if i was mad

Eri:what do you mean?

Izuku:well i also drank alcohol at you're age

*Eri looked at her father with a shocked expression making izuku chuckle*

Izuku:honey i was in jail at you're age, drinking alcohol was the least of my worries

Eri:I'm....just shock wait...you were in prison how did you get beer?

Izuku:i didn't, i was making like 10 cents an hour. But there was this inmate who made wine in his cell

Eri:how? How could he make....wait... Oh God ew!!!

*Izuku busted a gut laughing again as his daughter connected the dots. Yes izuku Midoriya drank toilet wine*

Izuku:hey now i was in jail you get what you get and you like it

Eri:still just....just ew!!

Izuku:now do you want to tell me why Did you decide to try beer out? As you can see i won't be mad

Eri:.....do...do i have to?

*Izuku being an expert in fear being he was a Scaredy Cat all his childhood could hear the fear in eri's soft tone. Eri felt the hand of his father softly be placed on her shoulder she looked up and saw him smiling*

Izuku:no...no you don't have to I'm not gonna force you, but know that whenever you are ready to talk I'm here ok?

Eri:yes daddy...

*Eri said feeling relief but at the same time guilty that she's keeping this secret that's ever growing. They walked to the table where tsuyu was waiting for them, she saw the two and gave them a patient smile*

Izuku:now let's eat all this wonderful food cooked by the most wonderful of hands in this house*

Eri:t..thank you for the food miss tsuyu...

Tsuyu:i didn't cook it honey kero

*Eri looked at her father kissing his own hands with a smug smile making her giggle and tsuyu to roll her eyes in amusement*

Izuku:so Eri any plans for today?

Eri:w..well i finished my homework before coming here so maybe read a book?

Izuku:hm...not bad but we had something else in mind


Tsuyu: it's too beautiful a day to stay inside we we're going to the beach

Eri:t..the beach? But that's a public place with so many people!

*Eri said her fear growing of the izuku haters, she started to scratch her wrists a tick she's gather from her....way to deal with her stress, tsuyu noticed the tick but said nothing having no reason to believe it would be anything else then a trait she got from izuku. Izuku placed his hand on top of eri's to calm her down*

Izuku:relax honey take a few breaths ok?

*Eri did what she was told she took as much air as she could holding it in for a moment before letting that air out*


Eri: a little....

Izuku:and while yes the beach is a public place. Me and tsuyu were talking about a private beach

Eri:you own a private beach? Was the lawsuit money that much?

Izuku:yes it was a lot of money.... Like a whole lot of money. But no we don't own it per say it's a time share type of deal this 3 day weekend is our time to use it and with this weather it seems like a waste not to do just that. So what do you say?  You can bring you're friends if they don't mind being around my side of the family

Eri:no I'm sure they'll be thrilled but who's coming?

Izuku: you're two grandmother's, you're grandpa and his girlfriend kaina

Eri:i...i guess i could ask if they're interested

Tsuyu:after breakfast, eat before it gets cold kero

Izuku:but it's an ice coffee it's supposed to be cold

Tsuyu:very funny I'm on the floor dying of laughter Kero

*Tsuyu said in the most monotone voice she could muster making izuku grin at her as they finally got to eating with there heads down just enjoying the peaceful morning. Eri glanced between the two. Unlike her mother's home, izuku's felt different more...inviting and loving it was....the only word that Eri could think of was cozy, and it gave eri such a sense of calmness she desperately needed*

To be continued or on Patreon


Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington


Thank you again for the donation

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