Chapter 10: The Royal Blacksmiths

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we're bringing home the gold and-and we want you to train us" Kai intervenes

Lou sniffles "I've never been more proud. If you'll excuse me, I need to write a song about my feelings"

Lou went into the other room.

"are you nuts!" the ninja shout at Kai

"Look, we enter this competition so we can get close enough to the Blade Cup. Once we get the Fangblade, we leave town" Kai explains

"Why can't we just win it?" Aria asks

"Because none of us are good enough" Kai says

Aria looks offended "Excuse me but unlike you guys-"

"Ok so it's settled" Jay says and Aria growls in annoyance


Later the ninja Ninja are "training."

"Okay, from the op. Five, six, seven, eight" Lou plays some keys on a piano.

The ninja sing terribly again

"Stop, stop. Ugh. If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away! Kai, love the energy, hate the hair" Lou hits Kai on the head with his cane "Jay, you're giving a lot, but I need more. Zane, you're like a machine. Don't change anything. And Cole, try to act like you wanna be here."

"He's worse than Sensei Wu" Jay whispers to the other ninja

"Okay, moving forward. Let's take a look at the big show-stopping climax. Cole, we can't have history repeating itself." Lou says

Cole sighs "Dad, it was the Triple Tiger Sashay. I was seven"

"What's the Triple Tiger Sashay?" Kai asks

"Only the most difficult dance move ever created" Cole replies

"It's true. Many professionals have dare tried, but it's never been successfully completed" Lou says

"Hence, my father though a seven year-old could. But I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down" Cole argues

"If you're going to win, you have to go big! Alright, time for a break. Take five" Lou leaves the room

Aria sat in the kitchen eating cookies as the ninja continued practicing outside. Aria followed Lou into the dining room to drink tea with him.


At the Concert Hall, contestants are practicing singing, beatboxing, and juggling. The Ninja are practicing their routine. Jay and Kai bumps into each other.

"Ow! Dude you gotta follow me" Jay says annoyed

"Follow you? You're two beats off" Kai argues

Zane interrupts them "Actually, 2.72 off of the beat"

"Guys, guys! Let's not make this any harder than it needs to be. We just stick to the plan and keep up the charade until the trophy's revealed. Once we steal the Blade Cup, we can argue all we want once we get back home" Cole says

"But this is your hometown, Cole. Don't you want to try and win it?" Jay asks

"You really should just be trying to win it fairly" Aria comments

"Ugh, they only dance step I wanna perform is called "get-me-out-of-this-nuthouse-and-let's-burn-these-memories-from-my-head." Cole says

"What?" The heard Lu question

Cole turned around to see Lu "Dad, I..."

" were going to steal it?" Lu asks, unbelieving his ears

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