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Rosa Romano

Another day another night working at such a popular strip club. Luckily for me, I've been making such good ass fucking tips I mean like thousands and thousands of dollars every night. Suck part is all of this disgusting old man touching without consent. We have a fucking sign for a reason yet, they don't seem to give two shits. That's fine, I'm with Carlos all night long everyday so, I feel somewhat safe.

Walking behind the bar, I noticed Carlos "flirting" with two girls, or what he calls flirting but just kindly talking to them. I giggled softly as he was just being nice but not really looking for someone right now. After getting their drinks, I walked over to place my hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Carlos Esposito, how cute was that of you to "flirt" with those girls." He groaned and looked away, slightly flustered. "Shut up. I was just being nice."I laughed softly."Yeah, nice one. Good job with that because they were really flirting with you dude." He groaned even louder and walked away from me to the other side of the bar."Ya know, the owner of this club is coming by today. He rarely comes by here.

"I looked over at him."Really? How long have I been here for?" He walks back to me. "You've worked here for about 2 months now. Don't worry cupcake, you've never met him, you only met me. I'm the one that hired you anyways." "Well...do I get to meet him atleast?" He chuckled softly."You'll meet him..don't worry cupcake."

2 hours ago by and I feel like I've been here since the afternoon but we just opened like 2 hours ago and I'm already over this day. I walked into the backroom to freshen myself up again. "Bestie!!!!" Damn...I can't fucking hear anymore. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck. "Athena...those are my fucking ears." I turned around to hug her tightly. She giggles softly and kissed my cheek.

"Bestie bestie bestie!!! I heard the owner is coming today. Girl your gonna love him, he is hot as fuck dudeeee." I stared at her. "How come I've never met him and you have?" She stared at me. "Long story short, he took me in when my father raped and abused me. I could've went to you but at the time I wasn't in the area and he broke my phone.

Luckily I had you and your mom's number written down so when I got a new phone, I was able to call you. I should've came to you but he had already taken me in. "I nodded. "Thats understandable." I fixed my hair back up and redid my makeup. The door opened and in walked in, Molly. Little Miss Molly Astor who thinks she's Little Miss Perfect but isn't shit but a worthless little slut.

Groaning, I finished fixing myself and made my way to the door, only to be pushed back, falling onto my ass. "Where do you think your going bitch?" Rolling my eyes, Athena helped me up. "Don't you have something better to do instead of messing with Rosa?" "Shut up Athena and know your place, I was here first, you two are just strays being picked up." I rolled my eyes. "Watch yourself bitch, don't roll your fucking eyes at me." I mocked her, causing Athena to snicker. She growled and walked towards me. "Oh no she's coming over I'm so scared."

Before she could swing at me, a deep voice was heard by the door. Athena's eyes widen. "Molly. Get your fucking hands off of her now." Molly turned quickly, giving me a small view to see who was at the door. There stood a tall, handsome man dressed in a black suit, his button up white shirt, three buttons unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up showing off his tattoos, a gold watch on his wrist, hair slicked back. Athena grabbed me and pulled me away from Molly and whispered. "That's the owner...the one and only Alessandro Bianchi." I couldn't help but just stare at the man in front of us. Molly pushed herself away from us and walked over towards him, switching her non-existent ass over to him and through her arms over his shoulder. "Alessandro!! I missed you." I rolled my eyes as his eyes never left me and my body.

I can feel his eyes scanning up and down my body.

I grabbed Athena's hand and walked out past both Alessandro and Molly." I wasn't done with you!" As I'm walking away with Athena, I flicked her off. "But I was slut." She gasped as Athena bursted out laughing.

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