Epilogue:Mortals to Gods

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Ten thousand years after the Great Muggle War …

Harry James Potter stood on top of a hill, overlooking the lake. Once upon a time, a beautiful castle had stood at this very spot. He had grown up here, but those memories felt so old and lost, despite his body looking so young. Potter Castle had long since been destroyed, paving the way for a new structure.

The Peverell Temple was massive in every way and unique in its design. The place radiated magic and for the first time in a long, long time, Harry felt at peace. He was lost in his memories.

The aftermath of the Great Muggle War was something he had never foreseen. Thanks to the help of the Elves, Centaurs and a variety of other forest-oriented magical species, the planet had been restored to its former glory. Captain Bloodfang had been right. The nuclear missiles had eradicated the Muggle population on Earth. Their own weapons had destroyed them, with the Muggles having apparently stored them in practically every part of their world where there was a settlement.

It took many years for the devastation to turn into wildlife, but once more, the planet regained its greenery. Sentient and non-sentient creatures alike thrived and the natural presence of magic on the planet had never been stronger. In fact, it had been enough to rejuvenate the house-elves, giving them enough power to break free of the bonds of their human masters. Over a span of three generations, the house-elves slowly took to looking like their Elvin counterparts and their slavish history was forgotten.

Using the starships under their command, they had made contact with several other species in different parts of the galaxy. It soon became known that magic existed everywhere and that it was common among all living and non-living beings in the universe.

They found out that the reason Earth had never been contacted by any alien species before was due to the nature of the Muggles. Apparently, it had been labelled by several others as a freak planet due to the low amounts of magic it radiated and the weird way in which the dominant species lived, without the use of the not-so-arcane force.

Unfortunately, peace was not to last as an authoritarian empire ruled by fanatics who believed in their own superiority tried to take over the galaxy. For thousands of years, Harry, Daphne and Dylan had worked hard to restore peace and justice to the millions of planets that housed intelligent life.

He was brought out of his memories when he heard the laughter of children; Harry's heart clenched painfully. He and Daphne had been scarred permanently due to the deaths of their children. All three of them – Charlie, Belladonna and James, had lived long, happy lives with their respective families, but they did eventually leave the mortal plain. Having to outlive their children was dreadful. It had been worse for Dylan, who had to outlive his wife Astoria and their daughter Athena as well.

While Harry and Daphne chose to never have children again, Dylan had remarried several times to different alien women around the galaxy at different points in time. As expected, his wives and their children eventually died as well but those brief partnerships were enough to keep Dylan going. His marriages also brought stability to a number of worlds thanks to them forming political alliances.

War had plagued various planets over and over again, and they had never achieved true peace until about two thousand years ago, when the three of them had formed the Galactic Republic, the chief governing body for the entire galaxy.

They were hailed as heroes and respected as Gods by countless beings.

And now, finally, it was time to say goodbye to the world. Walking towards the Temple, Harry spotted his wife talking to a young couple; the male had a pair of striking green eyes, a rarity these days.

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