The Secret Ousted

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The place was deathly silent. The people gathered there were dressed in simple white cotton garments, symbolising purity and peace, showing that one entered the world with nothing and left the world with nothing but their deeds. There were here for the funeral of Amelia Black. Algernon Croaker had already been cremated by his family members earlier that day.

Rigel felt his father squeeze his shoulder. The fifteen-year-old boy pursed his lips, lest everyone witness his emotional breakdown. His mother's body was laid to rest on a pyre in front of him. Tradition dictated that he, her son, send her off with honour.

Harry and Dylan were standing on either side of him, both of them silent. Rigel knew that they were upset. They were all devastated. He had never seen his father this shattered before. The only reason Sirius still remained standing was because of his young son.

Following the instructions of the druid, Rigel pointed his wand at the ground and walked around the pyre, sprinkling water. Once he was done, he took his place next to his brothers once more.

Sirius collapsed on the ground. Harry and Dylan rushed to help him, but the man continued sobbing heartbreakingly. Rigel didn't turn to his father. Instead, he pointed his wand at the pyre.


Fire burst from the tip of his wand and slowly consumed the body of Amelia Black, one of the finest women the world had ever seen. Rigel continued to stand, his eyes brimming with tears as he said goodbye to his beloved mother.

Charlie and Belladonna rushed forward and wrapped their arms around his waist. Rigel allowed the tears to fall as he whispered, "I won't fail you, Mum. I promise. I love you."

The flames from the burning pyre seemed to be dancing in the eyes of everyone present.


Hermione Granger ignored the chaos all around her. She was focussed only on her work. More than one hundred witches and wizards were now members of the D.A., also known as Dumbledore's Army. They were the rebellion; the last hope to stop Harry Potter from destroying the world as they knew it.

But that was not all. Four days back, the Prime Minister's residence had been bombed in an effort to rid the world of the Dark Lord known as Harry Potter. Unfortunately, their plan hadn't worked. Not only had Potter not been in the country when the attack took place, his mother and son were caught in the blast instead. That only seemed to anger the Supreme Chancellor of the International Confederation of Wizards.

He had taken spectacular revenge on them all. So many politicians had died due to his attack on the British parliament. The entire country was in chaos. The Prime Minister was running himself ragged due to the stress of maintaining order. How would he govern the country when there was no government left? Shockwaves of this brutal attack had spread throughout the world. No one in recent times had dared to openly launch an attack such as this. Terrorists usually targeted the common man, not the head of the government itself.

But that was not all that Harry Potter had done. He had once again managed to destroy her life. Hermione's heart was in pieces. Whispers had reached her ear that she was now wanted for questioning. Aurors everywhere were searching for her. If not for Krum teaching her how to mask her magical signature, Hermione was sure that she would have been found.

Thinking about Krum made her choke back on a sob. The Magical Daily News had reported that along with the Muggles, Ivan Krum had also been part of the plot to assassinate the Supreme Chancellor. He was now reported dead. There was no word on Percy, but Hermione knew in her heart that Potter had killed her husband too. Whether he had been directly taken out or had been imprisoned, Percy's fate was clear.

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