The Quidditch World Cup

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"Come on, laddie," barked Moody. "We have them surrounded."

Sirius watched from his position, biting his lower lip in anticipation. His idea of using the Muggle military really worked wonders. The Muggles had sighted a couple of the Death Eaters near Dover. Using utmost secrecy, they had selected the best Aurors they had under their command for this operation.

"Listen here everyone," said Sirius. "We have gone through the plan. We're going to split up. We have received intelligence that the Death Eaters are spread in two groups, so we're going to split up as well. Team Alpha, you'll be coming with me and Auror Moody. Team Beta, you'll be going with Director Black and Head Auror Scrimgeour. You know how dangerous they are. Coordinate with each other and take them out as quickly and efficiently as possible. We can't risk them trying to escape. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Minister," said Kingsley, speaking for them all.

"Good," said Sirius, nodding at them. "Split up; let's get started."


Peter Pettigrew panicked as he heard screams and saw flashes of spellfire. No, they couldn't have found them! They had been so cautious, so how had the Ministry managed to track them down so quickly? He saw Mulciber get killed by a severing curse. An Auror was also killed, but Moody managed to take out Jugson. Peter's eyes widened in shock as he saw his former best friend Sirius Black duel Rowle, who was one of the best duellists in the inner circle. Sirius was bleeding badly with several cuts all over his body, but he was able to hold his ground. Behind him, his wife Amelia was fighting like her husband, dodging everything Dolohov was throwing at her. Travers screamed in pain as three Aurors surrounded him and fired Reductor curses. He died of a massive hole in his chest but managed to wound an Auror in the process as well.

Peter's insane eyes glinted with worry. He had gained very useful information over the past few months. He could see that the Dark Mark was growing stronger, which meant that the Lestranges and Rookwood had found their master. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Lord returned to Britain. He couldn't fail their master! He needed to survive to give the Dark Lord all the information he had found out! Transforming into a rat, he scurried away. Ten minutes later, Rowle and Dolohov were killed by Minister of Magic Sirius Black and Head of the D.M.L.E. Amelia Black.

"Take the Minister and the injured Aurors to St Mungo's," said Amelia. "Quickly!"

Amelia looked at the pale form of her husband. He had managed to kill Rowle but he had lost a lot of blood in the process. She watched as four Aurors and Sirius disappeared using a Portkey.

"Damage report," said Amelia.

"Dawlish was killed in the skirmish with Mulciber," said Kingsley, looking worn and tired. "There are no more casualties as of this moment. Auror Roberts was injured by Travers, but he'll recover. The Death Eaters are dead."

"Good," breathed out Amelia. "Pack them up and send them back to the morgue at the Ministry. Search the area for the others. We still have Pettigrew, Rookwood and the Lestranges to catch."

"Yes ma'am."


The news of the deaths of the four Death Eaters was met with huge cheers by the people of Magical Britain. The common folk were singing Sirius' praises. The fact that the Minister of Magic himself had been involved in the fight and had killed Rowle personally induced a reaction of awe in everybody. Amelia was also highly praised. The Head of the D.M.L.E. had been the one to hold the press conference after the attack. Fresh from the battle, still displaying the scars on her body like a proud warrior, she had explained what had happened. The common witch and wizard were overjoyed, but they were warned that the Lestranges were still out there. Those three were nearly as dangerous as Voldemort himself.

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