Knowledge is Power

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Nineteen-year-old Hermione Granger smiled as she entered her office in the Ministry of Magic. Her boyfriend, Percy Weasley, kissed her cheek and left, having been assigned to deal with another international trade disagreement. She sat down at her desk and looked through the file that was placed before her.

It was October 2008, and she was just fresh out of Hogwarts. Due to her high grades, she had been almost immediately hired by the Department of International Magical Cooperation when she had applied for a job. In fact, Hermione had, at the time, many other options to choose from, in regard to her career. In the end, however, she decided that working here would be most beneficial in the future. She wanted to help the magical world grow, and that could not be restricted to Britain alone.

"Miss Granger," said a voice suddenly. "Would you please come to my office? I need to talk to you."

The mirror that was placed on her desk deactivated before she could reply. Hermione was surprised. Why would the head of the department want to talk to her?

Emily Jones, the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation, smiled as Hermione entered her office.

"Madam Jones," Hermione said tentatively. "What can I do for you?"

"Take a seat, Miss Granger," said Madam Jones. "How are you adjusting to life at the Ministry?"

Hermione paused. "Just fine, ma'am."

The older witch chuckled. "Relax, Miss Granger, this is not an interview," she said in amusement. "I make it a point to interact with all my employees, so there is no need to be nervous. From personal experience, I know that Muggle-borns find it difficult to adjust to the magical world. That's why I'm asking."

"You're a Muggle-born too?" asked Hermione in surprise.

Madam Jones nodded. "You're lucky to have joined the Ministry during such a golden period," she mused. "There is a lot you can learn, and for the first time, being a Muggle-born will not hinder you. But more of that later. I have a new assignment for you. I know that you are new here, but I'm hoping that you will be able to handle diplomatic meetings from now on."

Hermione flushed in pleasure at being given an important assignment. "I promise you that I'll do my best, Madam Jones," she said swiftly.

"Good. We need to go to Bulgaria and convince their Ministry to lower its trade sanctions on us. Things haven't been smooth between Minister Black and Supreme Mugwump Ivan Krum, and he's taking his frustrations out on us through the Bulgarian Ministry."

Hermione perked up at that. This was a make-or-break deal. She was being sent to talk to the delegates in the Bulgarian Ministry? Or perhaps the Supreme Mugwump himself? Maybe she could meet Viktor once more. The two had been pen pals for a couple of years before they lost contact.

This was a chance to reconnect with a friend.

"Of course, I'll be coming with you, as will a few of the senior members of the department," elaborated Madam Jones. "You will merely be an observer, but this is a unique opportunity to learn, Miss Granger. Don't waste it."

"I promise, ma'am, I won't," said Hermione fervently. She paused for a moment and seemed uncertain about something. Her boss picked up on it immediately.

"What is it, Miss Granger?"

"Madam Jones, you mentioned that this was a golden period for Muggle-borns," said Hermione slowly. "And yet, I've never witnessed anything that could be characterized as such. Why would you say that?"

Madam Jones raised her eyebrows in surprise. "That's not just my opinion. That's what many of us feel. I've been in the magical world for forty years, and have worked at the Ministry since I was twenty-two. Trust me, the previous administrations were much worse when it came to how Muggle-borns were treated. It wasn't anything direct, but subtle. The very fact that those Muggle-born orphans were rescued shows the Ministry's dedication to helping us, Miss Granger."

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