Creation and Destruction

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Bode watched with satisfaction as the sound of bullets being fired cut out all other noise. He couldn't see much due to the men standing right in front of him, but a minute later, the air cleared, giving him a view of the mess they had created.

While wizards could no doubt defend themselves against guns, how long could they power a shield to protect themselves against continuous assault from all directions? He was confident that Potter would be dead.

Unfortunately, when the smoke cleared, he and everyone else was stunned to see the Boy-Who-Lived simply standing there, wiping the non-existent dirt from under his fingernails against his robes.

"You know," said Harry conversationally. "I've always had the greatest respect for Unspeakables. After all, my mother and grandmother were Unspeakables themselves when they were alive. Director Croaker has proved himself to be an honourable man. I thought you were too, Mr Bode. It's disappointing that for such a brilliant man, you forget that I'm not a weakling. Powering an advanced shield in all directions isn't something I find too difficult after taking care of a Dark Lord."

"H-How is he alive?" exclaimed one of the Muggles. The phoenix screeched threateningly. Harry gently patted the creature. Turning towards them, he smirked. The Muggle yelped when the assault rifle was summoned from his hand, towards the young wizard.

"I've always been curious about these things," muttered Harry as he observed the rifle. "You seem to labour under the delusion that a lone wizard would be no match for a dozen machine guns. What you don't understand, you stupid fools, is that these are filled with bullets made of metal. You then fire it, using the momentum of the bullet as your only weapon. Magic, on the other hand, is pure energy. Fire how many ever bullets you want, but you won't be able to shatter a well-conjured shield. That is something your puny brains can't comprehend."

Bode and his partner drew their wands in preparation while Harry spoke.

The phoenix spotted this. Screeching loudly, the creature flapped its wings, creating a gust of wind. Harry immediately summoned Bode before he could be attacked. The rest, however, gasped for air. The area around them was filled with the vacuum of space. Their bodies began to swell. They experienced loss of vision and their brain was unable to process thought. Blood was gushing from their eyes as they floated in mid-air, dead.

The rogue Unspeakable swallowed when the phoenix turned towards him. It made a threatening noise, but a red jet of light soon impacted his chest, making him black out.

Harry transfigured him into a quill and placed him in his bag. He then turned his attention to the little boy. For twenty minutes, he guided the child through a meditative technique that all students of Occlumency were taught. The nine-year-old boy calmed down until the magic of the Obscurus settled into his body. It would be enough until Newt Scamander, one of the world's leading experts on Obscuri, would take a look at him. While recovery was not guaranteed, it was still possible.

"Come on," he said encouragingly. "Let's get you to St Mungo's." He then turned towards the royal phoenix who was observing him keenly. Harry bowed low in respect, which the creature returned. With a cry, the phoenix disappeared, as if sucked into the abyss of space.


Amelia Black cursed under her breath. Harry had just reported to Croaker that he had rescued the Obscurial. Unfortunately, the little boy was not the only Obscurial present in the bunker. Daphne had detected another, and that had escaped into Muggle London.

It was wreaking havoc everywhere. She had just Apparated at the scene, only to find Dylan looking worse for wear. Daphne was beside him, looking angrier than she had ever seen her.

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