The Minister of Magic

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In early November, the Magical Daily had reported the impeachment of Cornelius Fudge from office as Minister of Magic. The vote of no confidence called by Lord Cyrus Greengrass had been backed by a majority of the Wizengamot and even the public was all for it. They had enough of the incompetent Minister and they wanted someone who would act.

The election for the office of the Minister of Magic was complex. The people who wished to run for office needed support from both the public as well as the members of the Wizengamot. Those who believed they had support would submit their names to the Chief Warlock. The contestants would then do their best to sway the masses and once the election campaign was done, the election would be held. All citizens of Magical Britain and Ireland who were above the age of seventeen had the right to vote. The top three contestants who had the majority of the votes would then proceed to the Wizengamot. The members would then vote on who they wanted as Minister. The witch or wizard who won the confidence of the Wizengamot would be sworn in as Minister. He or she held office for the next seven years. But as Minister Fudge found out, they could be impeached early if the Wizengamot reached a majority which was not as easy as people thought. Fudge was only the second Minister to be impeached in the last two hundred and fifty years.

The Chief Warlock, on the other hand, was someone who was elected only by members of the Wizengamot. After Fudge's disgraced exit, Dumbledore was filled to the brim with work. Until the new Minister was appointed, he was the Acting Minister with limited powers. The Chief Warlock was a powerful post, but it was quite different from that of the Minister. Both of them were equally important. Right now, there was a tight race between the candidates. Dumbledore had extended his support to Amos Diggory from the side of the liberals. He had a good feeling about that win until he received an affidavit from the newest contestant.

Sirius Orion Black, the Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black, the Regent of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter, Gryffindor and Lestrange, husband to the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was contesting for the post of Minister of Magic. Dumbledore felt his plans crashing around his ears. At any other time, he wouldn't have been worried, but he had sensed the subtle shift in power in the Wizengamot over the recent months, especially after Harry's elevation to Heir Gryffindor and the appearance of Dylan Lestrange. Since then, Sirius and Amelia had not been afraid to make bold speeches which they otherwise wouldn't dare. Sirius already had the support of the traditionalists through intimidation and blackmail. The centrists were firmly in the pocket of Cyrus Greengrass who would support Sirius. The liberals could see that Sirius could offer them better protection than Amos Diggory.

It was an outstanding move.

However, Dumbledore was not out of options. The best way to undermine Sirius' support base was to subtly destroy his credibility amongst the public. While he was doing that, he also stirred the Bowtruckle's nest with the traditionalists so that they would drop Sirius and choose a new candidate.

It had worked ... for a while. He had not anticipated one important variable.

Harry Potter – the Boy-Who-Lived.

When Harry had realised what Dumbledore was up to he had swiftly taken charge on the advice of his godfather. With a few well-placed interviews in the Magical Daily and the E-Mirror channel of the Magical Daily News, he soon had people flocking to Sirius, making them look like they had been betrayed by everyone, including Albus Dumbledore. The questions Harry had raised regarding the Fidelius Charm, the Potter Will and Sirius' incarceration made Dumbledore's job more difficult.

Meanwhile, in the Wizengamot, Dumbledore's plans seemed to have succeeded. Sirius certainly struggled for a while there, which was when Harry entered the fray with the public, leaving his godfather to take charge of the governing body. Corban Yaxley had been given support from the traditionalists and they were not willing to support Sirius. It was a difficult time for Sirius, but he finally managed to overcome the difficulties. Lord Aiden Avery and Lord Theodore Nott Sr realised once again why the Blacks were not to be messed with. Discreet information given to the press had the two families backtracking, not wanting their family secrets aired to tens of thousands of people in the country. Yaxley's nomination was withdrawn, leaving Sirius to take his place again as the leader of the dark faction.

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