The Start of a Revolution

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Two years later ...

June 2008

"– the concept of Elemental Transfiguration would apply in the case of food as well. While it is not possible to conjure food according to Gamp's second law of Elemental Transfiguration, it is quite possible to conjure or transfigure our surroundings for food," explained Harry as he demonstrated and proved his hypothesis to the members of the International Transfiguration Committee for Aspiring Masters. "This does not disprove the second law, but it does make it an exception. While cooked food cannot be conjured, plants and animals can be transfigured from our surroundings and can be used as food. Since we are transfiguring the elemental properties here, the molecular components of the said transfigured objects will be altered. Of course, this also depends upon the nature of the Transfiguration itself. Simple magic cannot alter the substance, but elemental Transfiguration can."

Nearly eighteen-year-old Harry James Potter looked expectantly at the group of witches and wizards in front of him. This was the last presentation. He had already finished the ones for Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions, having successfully completed his Masters' in all of them, the youngest to do so in the last century. Now, he would be receiving his Master's degree in Transfiguration as well.

"You have given us a lot to think about, Mr Potter," said one of the examiners after a pause. "Your research paper will be submitted to other Transfiguration experts to see if it can indeed be classified as an exception to Gamp's second law of Elemental Transfiguration. Before we wrap up your presentation, I was wondering if you could demonstrate the Animagus transformation as well."

"Of course, Master Fin," said Harry politely as he transformed into a golden eagle, gliding around the room, and finally reverted to his human form with a pop.

"Congratulations, Mr Potter," announced Master Fin. "You have successfully completed your Masters' in Transfiguration. Good luck with your future endeavours."

"Thank you," said Harry with a small smile as he accepted his certificate. Once he finished shaking hands with everyone, he walked out of the building and Apparated to The Olympus, the best upscale hotel in Magical Greece where he had been staying for the past few days while he presented his thesis to the Transfiguration Committee. Paying the bill, and ignoring the awed look coming from the manager at meeting the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Apparated to the International European Floo Terminal and Flooed back to Britain.

After passing through customs and security, he stepped inside one of the public Floo systems in the building. With a flash of green flames, he found himself in the massive Atrium in the Ministry of Magic building in London. He flicked his fingers and dispelled any soot that might have collected on his clothes and swiftly moved towards the golden lifts. Flashing his ring to the security wizards, he stepped inside the lifts and waited. Many Ministry employees entered along with him, staring at him with something akin to admiration on their faces.

A minute later, the golden grills opened once more and the cool female voice said, "Level one, Offices of the Minister of Magic, Chief Warlock, and support staff."

Harry calmly walked out of the lifts. The place was covered with thick purple carpets and shining wooden plates on the walls. Important delegates were being shown in and out, and as were various members of the Wizengamot. This richly decorated corridor was deserted as compared to the bustling floors above. With confident strides, Harry entered the reception area outside the office of the Minister of Magic.

Tapping his fingers on the desk of the receptionist, he said in a low voice, "Jenny, is my father busy?"

"Lord Potter!" gushed the receptionist. Clearing her throat, she looked at her file which showed the Minister's schedule. "I'm afraid he's in a meeting with the Brazilian Ambassador for the next twenty minutes. Shall I inform him of your arrival?"

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