Awakening of the Clan

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Magical Britain celebrated the death of Lord Voldemort and the end of the war with great happiness. Fireworks exploded all over the country as they had in 1991 with celebrations everywhere. People were happy that there would be no more destruction and that their lives could go back to normal at last. The common wizarding public could not even comprehend the fact that the Minister of Magic himself had been personally involved in the effort to bring down Voldemort. They were so used to having incompetent leaders for so long and listening to empty words from Albus Dumbledore that it was quite a shock to have a leader who took action, involving himself and his family personally. But people were also worried. They were worried about their greatest hero; the boy who had finally killed Lord Voldemort.

The wizarding public was worried for one Harry James Potter.

The nearly sixteen-year-old wizard had been at St Mungo's Hospital for a week since the battle and had not yet regained consciousness, having been placed in a medically induced coma. He had been very badly injured while duelling Voldemort and that was not just due to the curses which had impacted him. He was also bitten by a snake whose venom was quite unique, so it took the healers some time to diagnose and treat him. Then there were the various broken bones, damaged organs and internal bleeding caused due to Harry and Voldemort crashing to the ground. Ancient healing rituals were being performed by druids publicly while various witches and wizards participated, all praying to Mother Magic to heal their beloved saviour.

Of course, the public had also not forgotten the newest heroes in town – Daphne Greengrass and Dylan Lestrange, the two kidnapped teenagers who together managed to kill the feared and notorious Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange. There was an outpouring of sympathy towards them for having to brave Bellatrix's torture every day for a month. The fact that Daphne Greengrass had actually threatened Voldemort to his face had created a feeling of awe in the younger generation, especially girls, though more attention of the girls was now being directed at the cute boy who was now a hero – Dylan Lestrange. It was strange how they were willing to change their tune after the public realised on which side of the war Dylan had truly been, having called him all the possible names just several months ago for being the son of Rabastan Lestrange.

Not that both of them cared. In fact, neither Daphne nor Dylan had stepped out of St Mungo's since they had been healed. They were sitting in the private hospital suite, waiting for Harry to recover. They were not the only ones there. Cyrus, Elizabeth and Astoria Greengrass were there too. Sirius and Amelia had not been able to concentrate on their work either, as they went to St Mungo's five times a day to check on his progress. Little Rigel Black had been inconsolable. He didn't understand what was going on, but he could see that his oldest brother was not well, and that made him cry.

The healers had assured them that Harry would be fine and that he needed more time to heal, but to them, they wouldn't believe it until Harry woke up from the coma. The celebratory cheer had never existed for them as they waited for Harry to wake up and smile at them again.

All of them would have done anything to see the vivid emerald green eyes look at them again, the usual twinkle of amusement present whenever the boy was happy.

Wake up, Harry. Wake up.


Emerald green eyes blinked open slowly as they adjusted to the darkness of the room. Harry Potter groaned softly as he felt the ache in his muscles. He looked around and saw that he was in a large hospital suite. The last time he had been here, it had been right after Sirius had been released from Azkaban four and a half years ago. The first thing he realised was that there was someone sitting on a chair next to him, holding his hand. He smiled slightly as he saw the dark blonde hair of his fiancée. There was also someone on the couch opposite to him, but he couldn't make out clearly. He would bet his life that it was Dylan.

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