Prophecy and Politics

Start from the beginning

Harry had a dark look on his face. "I don't see any war as 'holy', Luna."

The Seer smiled dreamily. "That's where you're wrong, Harry. War is terrible, yes, but it is something that can never be avoided. It's a part of nature. If you believe everything in the world can be resolved through peace, you're living in a fool's paradise. If everyone can get along perfectly, then society will be stagnant. Such a society can never exist. Peace is a goal, not always a means. Yes, destructive wars are bad for society. Many die, and I truly believe that war must be avoided at all costs. But sometimes, there is nothing you can do but fight your way out. If that's the will of Magic itself, who are we to question it? If we rebel, it'll only lead to our destruction, if not immediately, then at a future date. That's why we have Seers; that's why we have prophecies. It is to help us learn and adapt. You're an eagle Animagus, aren't you? Tell me, what do eagles do when there's a storm?"

"It flies above the clouds and avoids it."

"Yes. And you're trying to do the same by attempting complete separation. In theory, it can work. But what if it doesn't? What if separation alone isn't enough? The Statute of Secrecy has shaped our way of life for three centuries. People will panic without it. It's a fight for the survival of magic, the very fabric of what encompasses the universe itself. The Muggles, in their arrogance and ignorance, don't know that. It's a holy war."

"Long forgotten allies shall emerge, for only two can there be that shall decide our fate. I have met Perenelle Flamel. I know who the Elves are. My grandfather has personally met the Queen of the Elves. They are powerful allies, Harry. And as in any war, there are two factions. There can be more, no doubt, but if you look at it from a dragon's eye view, there are always only two sides and they will decide the fate of the planet."

Harry gently patted one of the Thestrals as he tried to process what Luna was telling him. He took deep breaths as he tried to calm down. The creature he was petting nuzzled his face. He smiled faintly.

Luna continued. "The one chosen by Magic, touched by Death, flanked by tigress and wolf, will be forced to restore balance, but should he fail, Magic shall consume us all. The Saviour of Magic has been chosen ... chosen to fulfil his destiny ... you were marked by this prophecy. That means you were chosen by Mother Magic. Touched by death … I'm not sure what that means, but maybe it's referring to the fact that you are the only survivor of the Avada Kedavra curse."

Harry didn't correct her, nor did he reveal his identity as the Master of Death.

"Even in my vision, I always saw Daphne and Dylan by your side," smiled Luna. "Their Animagus forms are public knowledge; you know what that means. And should you fail, there is always a price to pay. Magic is giving us an opportunity to take care of the threat ourselves. Should you fail, nature will do the rest. None of us then stands a chance."

Harry looked towards the sky. There was work to be done.


One month later ...

Potter Castle

Astoria frowned as she looked at Harry's notes. "This … is going to be problematic."

Harry smiled wryly. "Does that mean I've lost your support, Lady Lestrange?"

The younger witch rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Of course not, Chief Warlock," she teased right back. "Unlike others, I would be willing to curse you to express my disapproval."

"I won't have a problem getting this bill passed in the Wizengamot, Tori."

"I know you won't," said Astoria. "But first clarify something for me. You intend to amend the Statute in the Wizengamot?"

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