The Start of a Revolution

Start from the beginning

"It's fine," said Harry easily. "I'll wait for the meeting to conclude. Let my father know that I've arrived once the Ambassador has left."

Taking a seat in one of the plush couches in the room, Harry sighed in contentment as a house-elf popped in front of him to offer a chilled glass of Butterbeer. Being the son of the Minister of Magic had its perks.

As he silently observed his surroundings, he felt his thoughts drift to what had happened over the last two years.

Voldemort's death had created a boom in Magical Britain, both in terms of new businesses and in terms of population. Even after the Dark Lord's downfall in 1991, people had still been terrified and the economy had taken a long time to recover, but after the second and final defeat, the economy had not yet taken such massive damage as it had done the last time. Quickly recovering, young witches and wizards had helped the country grow. It had been wonderful to watch. Thanks to the money they had been given from Lockhart as compensation, Fred and George Weasley had managed to easily open their joke stop at the same time in both Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade. From what Harry had been told by the twins, their business was booming and the two of them couldn't be happier.

Things had changed at Hogwarts as well. Albus Dumbledore's death had been announced to everyone and it had created a glum mood. The cause of death had been revealed to be an ancient curse which the Headmaster had accidentally triggered while exploring an unusual place a year before. His funeral was well attended by several witches and wizards from not only Britain but around the world, all who had come to pay their final respects to the former leader of the International Confederation of Wizards. Some of the Hogwarts staff had wanted to bury Dumbledore at Hogwarts, but Harry and Sirius had put their foot down. His body had been at Hogwarts while people paid their respects, but he had been buried at Godric's Hollow near the graves of his mother and sister.

Once Professor McGonagall had been confirmed as Headmistress of Hogwarts, Harry decided that there were certain changes that needed to take place to get the school back on track to how it was decades ago and thankfully, Headmistress McGonagall agreed.

While Harry genuinely believed that Dumbledore had removed several subjects because he didn't want more dark witches and wizards in Britain, McGonagall's theory was that because of the massive decline in the number of students, Hogwarts just could not afford to have so many electives and extra-curricular activities. As the number of students drastically decreased because of the Grindelwald and Voldemort wars, so did the income of the school through the fees being paid, which meant classes had to be cut down to bare essentials and that also meant fewer teachers. However, both she and the Board of Governors believed that time was ripe to get all those classes back in the school curriculum.

Along with the subjects already taught, Hogwarts now had classes for Warding, Healing, Magical Languages, Enchanting, Politics, Magical Finance, Magical Law and Elementary Alchemy. Muggle Studies was given new material which gave accurate information about what Muggles were up to, including the destruction caused by the two world wars. It was time for the magical world realised that Muggles were indeed dangerous and the curriculum ensured that everyone knew about the effects of nuclear weapons, environmental pollution, and high population. This was made compulsory for the first and second year magically raised students while Magical Culture was made compulsory for all first and second-year Muggle-borns.

Defence Against the Dark Arts took a massive overhaul as it was split into two separate subjects – Defensive Magic and Offensive Magic. This was something Harry had insisted on because most of the magic which fell under the purview of grey was never taught, for Dumbledore did not like anything remotely dark being taught at Hogwarts, thus lowering the standard of education in the process. Offensive Magic included combat magic which fell under the category of grey and hence, Harry was happy with it.

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