"Harry, you won't believe this, but something strange happened just a few minutes ago," Dylan cried hysterically. "Some strange golden sphere suddenly appeared in front of me and the next thing I knew, my whole body is aching and I was surrounded by pitch blackness!"

Daphne was looking at Harry introspectively. "The same happened to me too," she confessed softly. "And somehow, I gained a ring as well."

Harry paused as he examined the ring. It was made of black diamond, placed on a platinum band, with the crest of a Thestral. It was the Peverell ring. But that was not what worried him. His body was literally infused with magic, and he felt more powerful than he ever had before. But he was confused; the Deathly Hallows reacting that way to one person made sense. After all, according to legend, there could be only one Master of Death. Why did the same thing happen to Dylan and Daphne as well?

"Harry?" asked Daphne worriedly, placing her hand on his shoulder. "What's going on?"

For the first time, Harry didn't know how to answer that. He too was dazed by the developments that had unfolded in the past few minutes and he couldn't begin to comprehend them. Dylan stood silently, waiting for Harry to speak.

"I don't know," exhaled Harry. "I had placed the Deathly Hallows –"

"Wait, the Death Hallows? But they're a myth, right?" she frowned. "I know about them, but they're supposed to be a children's tale!"

Harry smiled faintly. "Not really," he admitted. "But I'll explain later. I need to think for a while ... clear my head."

Daphne and Dylan looked at each other in confusion as Harry transformed into his Animagus form and flew out of the window.

"That was odd," muttered Dylan. He flexed his fingers and pointed them at the large windows. He narrowed his eyes and concentrated.

A jet of white light flew from the tips of his fingers, making the window explode. Daphne gasped as she hastily threw up a shield. However, the shield was so strong that it pushed them against the wall painfully.

"Did I just use wandless magic?" he exclaimed, inspecting his hand with barely concealed curiosity.

Daphne was already on her feet. Repairing the damage with just a flick of her wand – again, proving that her magical reserves had increased drastically – she quickly made her way to the castle's library. She would have to find out what had happened to her, Harry and Dylan.


At Hogwarts, Luna Lovegood suddenly sat upright, her silvery eyes staring into space, lost in thought. Her vision clouded as she was soon transported into another world. Images and sounds dominated her sight.

"– does that mean the suffering of all those children count for nothing?" spat Harry. "Are we just going to ignore the plight of defenceless children and sit in our cradle of power? Your arrogance disgusts me!"

"Nature does not differentiate between good or bad, Lord Potter. Nature and Magic only exist in balance, and should the balance tilt either way, it would lead to destruction."

Daphne felt tears in her eyes as she saw the sight before her. The tears quickly turned to anger. After all that they tried to do, this was how they were being repaid? She immediately took off into the air without the help of a broom. She took in the sight before her and glared hatefully. She brought her palms together as her anger reached epic proportions.

"The shroud of darkness has fallen, Lord Potter. We must take action, or we might lose everything that we hold most dear."

"My Lady," said the wizard wearing a navy-blue uniform. "We're ready."

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