The Babbling Banshee

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Many people were stunned when Harry levitated a small stone and banished it towards a dummy with such force that it blasted right through the dummy human, creating a small hole in the chest like a Muggle bullet.

"That was a banishing charm, considered to be a very simple charm taught to fourth-year students," said Harry quietly. "And yet, the same charm, which according to you all can be classified as light, just killed that dummy human. What about this?"

Harry levitated the dummy to the ceiling. "If I were to drop this dummy to the ground, do you think it would stay intact? If it were a real person, do you think he or she would survive? I'm using a simple levitation charm which is taught to first-year students. This is the epitome of light magic and yet it can so easily be used to kill someone."

Carefully placing the dummy back on the ground, Harry turned to face them. "It is all about intent which distinguishes magic from light or dark, nothing more. It is all in shades of grey and it is your choices which define the magic you perform, not the spells you cast. I won't be asking any of you to perform the spells, but I will be teaching you the theory and demonstrating it for you but most importantly, I will teach you how to defend yourselves against them. Know that my brother and I would not be alive today had we not known these spells when our home was attacked. Let go of the blind superstition and see the true beauty of magic and not what people have classified it based on ignorance and fear. Such classification might have been necessary at that time, but as years rolled on, it was never reversed. Watch closely."

The next several hours were spent in one-quarter of the school observing Harry intently as he explained the concept behind several different spells which were considered the Dark Arts and how to cast and defend against them. The curses were deadly, but Harry explained their origin and how many of them had been used for good until they were misused by wizards wanting to seek power.

"That's all for today everyone," said Harry loudly. "We'll be meeting in two days and we'll start on the Patronus Charm. I'm happy with the amount of improvement displayed by everyone in this chamber and I have no doubt you all would be able to cast the charm in due time."

"Wait, isn't the Patronus Charm supposed to be very advanced?" asked a third-year boy timidly. "Can we all do it?"

A ghost of a smile formed its way to Harry's lips.


Dylan nodded and flicked his wand and said, "Expecto Patronum!"

People gasped as the large silvery golden eagle burst from the tip of Dylan's wand and glided across the chamber as people watched in awe.

"He learnt it last summer," said Harry to everyone. "Daphne and I learnt the Patronus Charm when we were thirteen as well. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be hard because it took me some time to master it too but I'm willing to help you if you are willing to put in the right amount of effort into it. Alright, I'll see you all in two days! Class dismissed!"

Half an hour later, the Chamber of Secrets was empty and Harry ensured that every last one of the students had returned to their dormitories. Once done, Harry, Daphne and Dylan returned to their suite, chatting idly about the class.


Hermione Granger was walking towards the staff room, a day after the class on the Dark Arts in the Chamber of Secrets. She couldn't believe that Harry Potter was actually teaching them the Dark Arts! While she had to admit the spells he had taught them until now were educational, yesterday's class was over the top! Hermione was not an unintelligent girl. She knew that even with several books on Defence, she wouldn't have come close to learning as much about the subject without an effective teacher, which, she would wholeheartedly admit, Harry Potter was. While she still did not like keeping Professor Dumbledore and the rest of the Hogwarts staff in the dark, she could not pass up an opportunity of learning more magic. Of course, that was until yesterday's lesson. It was horrifying! She couldn't in good conscience let this slide. No matter what Potter may claim, showing such spells and teaching them was a terrible idea. Didn't Potter understand that someone might use such spells to cause more damage? Either way, she would have to fix this mess before it got out of hand. She was a prefect, damn it, and it was time to uphold the honour the badge demanded.

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