"We cannot rely on Dementors; they are as dangerous as the escaped convicts," says Chief Warlock Albus Dumbledore


How far is the truth?


Antonin Dolohov – convicted of the brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewett

Augustus Rookwood – convicted of leaking highly classified Ministry of Magic information to You-Know-Who

Peter Pettigrew – convicted of the betrayal that led to the murders of James and Lily Potter and also the illegal incarceration of Sirius Black and deaths of thirteen Muggles

Maximus Jugson – convicted of the brutal murders of the members of the Ancient and Noble House of McKinnon

Timothy Travers – convicted of the murder and decapitation of Benjy Fenwick

Thorfinn Rowle – convicted of the brutal murders of Edger Bones and other members of the Ancient and Noble House of Bones

Thaddeus Mulcibur – convicted of placing the Imperius Curse on several employees of the Ministry of Magic

Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange – convicted of the torture and permanent incapacitation of Frank and Alice Longbottom

People everywhere were shocked to stillness, terrified at what they were reading. Newspapers were being read and the Magical Daily News channel on the newly developed E-Mirror was running in all households as they listened to experts give information on how to ward and protect your home. The sales of the mirrors increased drastically as the others fled to the stop. Information such as that was pure gold.

"That's him?" asked Dylan in a small voice as he looked at the snarling moving photograph of Rabastan Lestrange.

"Yes," said Harry quietly.

"I can see the resemblance somewhat. Harry, what are we going to do?"

Harry remained quiet, staring at Dumbledore who was quietly talking to Severus Snape. "I don't know; I just don't know."


Harry gritted his teeth as he searched for that blasted diadem. He had been at this for nearly two months now. Because of the memories he had accessed when he saw the diary and Hufflepuff's Cup, he was able to know the location of the other Horcruxes. Ravenclaw's diadem was here somewhere in the Room of Requirement. The ring was placed in the shack that once belonged to the Gaunts, but Harry had no idea where the hell that was. Slytherin's locket was in a cave, the location of which Harry didn't know. It was turning out to be frustrating because the room here was so huge that it was difficult to locate the diadem!

Turning into his Animagus form, the golden eagle soared above the junk, occasionally landing on something so that he could observe. It had been a week since the Death Eaters had escaped Azkaban and Harry was on edge. The reason was twofold – one, the Death Eaters were out there, especially Bellatrix who would love to get her hands on the Boy-Who-Lived. Two, there were a bloody hundred Dementors outside Hogwarts castle.

Harry hated the Dementors. The day after they had arrived, when Harry had gone for his usual morning run, he felt something he had never felt before. The cold was horrible and the grounds were dark. He could feel the negative emotions in the air, making him miserable. Bad memories resurfaced but thanks to his Occlumency, he was able to shield himself long enough to get back to the castle. He had since been working out in the Room every morning along with practising the Patronus Charm after having been explained the theory by his Aunt Amelia. Merlin knows he didn't want to be defenceless with those beasts around.

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