"Way to ruin the moment by your sarcastic comments. Hmm, let me think ..."

"Think? But what do you need to think about? I'm better than anyone in the world!"

"And why is that? I need an explanation before I consider you worthy, Potter!"

"Well, I'm smart ... I'm a duelling champion ... the scion of the Potter family ... the Boy-Who-Lived ... an international celebrity ..."

"Oh, quite full of yourself, aren't you, Potter? I wonder where all this is coming from. This is quite unlike you!"

"Well, you know what they say ..."

"No, what do they say?" asked Daphne curiously.

"How should I know? I thought you might know something to finish that sentence!"

Daphne groaned, shaking her head. Soon, laughs and squeals could be heard as a ticking war began, leaving them laughing and breathing hard.

"You're the best, Daphne," whispered Harry as he closed his eyes, breathing deeply. "I'm glad that you came into my life."

"Same here," Daphne murmured as sleep claimed her too.


That night at dinner, Harry and Daphne walked into the Great Hall, hand in hand. The entire Hall was silent as the two of them sat along with their friends at the end of the Slytherin table.

"There have been wild theories going around the school," said Tracy. "No one knows what to believe and the teachers are quite tight-lipped about the whole affair."

"Yeah, I thought they would say something, but I guess they don't want to own up to their mistakes," said Theo Nott as he helped himself to food.

"Maybe you can show them a memory of the event, Harry," said Daphne casually. "That way you can stop the speculation. I'm sure the Headmaster wouldn't mind?"

Since the Hall was silent, several people heard what Daphne said and whispers began going around the House tables. Dumbledore's beard twitched and his eyes began twinkling as he realised what the two had planned. Yes, this would work perfectly.

"I don't know ... nearly the entire school, not to mention the country branded me a Dark Lord in the making ... I'm actually thinking of not coming back next year."

Blaise Zabini had to hold back a laugh as he caught Harry's eye. He was playing them all!

"What?" said Blaise, acting as though he was shocked. "Y-You can't, Harry! Don't you think it's a bit excessive?"

"Maybe," Harry shrugged as people listened to him intently. "But I've tolerated enough hippogriff shit from the people here, Blaise. What makes you think they'll believe me now even if I show them the memory? They'll probably think I'm lying and I don't want to be branded a liar as well as a Dark Lord."

"Oh, come off it," said Theo, shaking his head. "Memory tampering to such an extent is not possible even for a very skilled Occlumens and for your age, it's impossible to do so. There are always traces, from what I've been told. But it's your decision."

"Ahem, Potter?" said a hesitant voice.

"Yes, Pucey?"

Adrian Pucey cleared his throat. "I may not have personally been the cause of your misery, but I do wish to formally apologise on behalf of all the Slytherins. Shunning you as we did, even if our House was divided was not something which should have been done. You're a Parselmouth and that ability should have been revered by us, not the other way around. So, I was hoping – you know –"

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