The door was made of black walnut with polished iron swirled through it. A knocker of wrought-iron hung from an empty shield crest. It was a beautiful door that seemed to do justice to the rooms beyond it.

As Daphne studied the door, Harry pushed it open to show a small hallway. Beyond the hallway was a large and airy room, lit by the large windows. The thin scarlet silks that covered the windows were tied back with silver cord. The window glass was stained a light gold.

The room held furniture carved from oak with handmade cushions. There were two large chairs, situated close to a fireplace, a long couch placed on the far wall, and low sat table in front of the couch. The table seemed to be made from the same walnut and iron as the door was.

Turning, Daphne saw two doors on the left side of the room, she could only presume they led to the bed and bath of the rooms. There was a small kitchenette tucked on the far side of the room, an open doorway leading to it.

"Wow," She breathed out in amazement at the room around her.

"Hey," Harry said from behind her, "It seems Godric was a bit of a bookworm."

Turning towards him, Daphne nearly gasped at the sight of the wide bookshelf. It was filled it a few hundred tomes on seemingly everything. Runes, Transfiguration, Potions, Alchemy, Astrology, and nearly every other subject one could think about.

"Hermione and Tracey are going to drool if they ever see this." Daphne sighed as she walked over to Harry and looped her arm through his again.

Harry snorted in amusement, "Not to mention our professors. Look, most of these are written by the founders."

Grabbing a potions journal, Harry opened it and began to read. "By the Gods," he mumbled under his breath, "This is Linfred's journal."

He indicated the aged Gaelic writing, she could hardly understand it though.

"Harry, I can't read any of it. What language is it?" She asked as she tried to read the writing.

"It's written in a mix of ancient Gaelic and Welsh," He said as he regarded the journal, "I guess I'll have to teach you how to read it, if you'd like."

She nodded her thanks as she pulled his arm lightly, "Should we check the bedroom? I want to see how much bed space we'll have."

Placing the journal back on the shelf, Harry smirked playfully at Daphne, "We've only just moved in together."

"Don't be a prat." She swatted his chest with her offhand as she pulled him towards the door leading to their new bedroom.


September 15, 1995

Daphne smiled at Neville as he sat across from her and Harry in the Great Hall. It was early in the evening and the students were gathering for dinner.

"We're back two week and Harry is getting married, I've not had a meltdown in class yet, Hermione hasn't exploded from her questions, and Ron's not said anything stupid about you, Daphne." Neville laughed lightly as he began to fill his plate with chicken and greens.

Harry shook his head lightly as he and Daphne filled their own plates. "Has anyone questioned why I moved out of Gryffindor Tower?" He asked the boy across from him.

Neville shrugged as he chewed a bite of chicken, "I told them to ask you themselves. Where exactly are your rooms anyways?"

Harry smirked around his mouthful of potato so Daphne chose to answer, "How about we show you tomorrow? I would suggest tonight but Harry is planning something and will only tell me it has something to do with his temper."

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