"Okay could someone fill me-" Remus coughed "and Remus in?" I asked.

"What are you confused about Pup?" Sirius asked.

"You're a Lord? Neville you're an heir? Sirius you know Neville's grandmother?" I questioned.

"Harry did no one tell you about your heritage?" Neville asked.

"Who could have, I grew up with abusive muggles?" I responded without thinking. As soon as the word came out of my mouth I winced. That was not the best way to say it.

"James asked Dumbledore to explain it it Frank or I couldn't, sorry moons," Sirius stated.

"It's alright there's no place in politics for someone like me." Remus sighed bitterly.

I sent a painful stinging hex towards Remus who yelped like a child.

"Who's Frank?" I asked.

"My dad." Neville smiled sadly.

Sensing that something happened that was sad, I gave Neville a hug.

"I don't know what happened but I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Thanks Harry, I'll tell you in a bit. We have quite a bit to cover." He responded with a sniff.

I let go of him then turned back to Sirius, waiting for an explanation.

"Basically there are five important pureblood families in England that are know as the most noble and ancient houses. They are the Potters, the Blacks, the Longbottoms, the Greengrasses and the Bones. These families are the most influential and wealthy, they have been around for about a thousand years or more. The most noble and ancient families all have a seat on the wizengamot.

You also have ancient families that have been around for about five hundred years such as the Weasley family.

Then there are Nobel families that have been around for approximately two hundred years like the Diggory family.

Ancient families and Nobel families do not have a seat on the wizengamot. The head of a Nobel family or an ancient is not a lord for example, Amos Diggory is not Lord Diggory. He is known as Amos Diggory, head of the Nobel house of Diggory. Do you understand?"

"Basically there are 5 families with a shit-tone of power and money. Got it. Where do the Malfoys fall into this?" I responded.

"The Malfoy clan isn't even a Nobel family. They are a French family that migrated to the UK in the 1800s." Sirius snorted.

"Lord Black, did you know that Lucius Malfoy has been sitting in your wizengamot seat?" Neville asked.

"That blond haired twat." Sirius growled.

"Am I richer than Malfoy?" I asked curiously.

"You could buy Malfoy ten times if you wanted to waste your money." Sirius laughed.

"This is brilliant." I laughed, before smirking at Remus "do you know what this means Moony?"

"No but I know I'm not going to like it." Remus responded.

"Since I am rich I am buying you a whole new wardrobe." I smirked.

"No, I can't accept that." Remus responded.

"I don't care, you can and you will." I smirked.

Eventually Remus gave in.

"You can't say no to him when he looks like Lily." Remus grumbled.

I smiled sweetly then turned to Neville, "what is it you said you wanted to talk to me about when we were at the three broomsticks?"

Neville grinned, "your mum is my godmother and my mum is yours. Which makes uu god siblings."

"I have a brother." I grinned before asking "who's your godfather?"

"Remus." Neville smiled.

"I am?" Remus gasped.

Neville nodded then walked over to Remus and gave him a short hug.

"Does that make me your godfather-in-law?" Sirius asked.

I laughed then asked "I'm still the favourite, right Remus?"

Remus laughed.

"Wait a minute, technically Sirius IS your godfather-in-law." I smirked.

"See told you, wait how?" Sirius stated.

I looked at Remus who caught on to my idea. "Harry James Potter." He growled going bright red.

"What?" I smiled as innocent as a baby "can I at least tell Neville?"

"Fine." Remus responded.

"If Remus and Sirius were to get married, technically Sirius would be your godfather-in-law and Remus would be mine." I whispered.

"I'm not surprised to find out they are dating. My gran bet Dumbledore twenty galleons they were." Neville responded whispering.

I giggled and looked over at Sirius who was growing increasingly annoyed that no one was telling him anything.

"If you won't tell me, I'll do it my own way."
He responded.

He turned to face Remus and got down on one knee. Remus gasped.

"Remus John Lupin. I have loved you since I was 15, you're the moon to my stars, I wish we hadn't lost so much time. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So will you marry me?" Sirius asked.

"Yes." Remus whispered.

Sirius got up and placed the band on Remus' left ring finger. It was a simple gold ring with three diamonds. Remus kissed Sirius on the lips gently before pulling him into a hug.

I wolf-whistled which was rather appropriate given the circumstances.

"Hahaha McGonagall owes me five galleons." I laughed.

"Dumbledore owes my gran forty," Neville laughed.

"Why do people always bet on our love life?" Sirius asked.

No one answered even though Sirius was probably expecting one.

I ran over to them and jumped onto them hugging them tight. They laughed and hugged me back.

"Congratulations to my amazing uncles!" I exclaimed.

I briefly kissed them both on the cheek before walking back over to Neville. I gave him a hug. He looked at me slightly confused so I laughed "what I didn't want you feeling left out brother."

He grinned at me then whispered "shall we go to the library and leave the love birds alone, we could even collect some money on the way there?"

I nodded grinning then left with Neville.

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