The Suicide Booth

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A while ago I saw a picture that made a big impact on me. It was a blue-green booth with a sign on the side.

When I told this to my friends, they didn't really understand why I was so blown away by this.

Now here's the thing that impressed me so much. The sign on the phone booth said "Suicide booth, $0,25."

Above the booth there was a digital screen that said "in use."

I think I've stared at that for over 30 minutes. That small picture somehow meant so much and made me realize a lot of things.

If there was a booth near me, where I could throw $0,25 in and just die, would I do this? Would I actually go in and leave everything behind me? Would I be able to just vanish from earth?

The answer didn't surprise me.

If I had the chance to kill myself without hurting the people around me, I would do it in the blink of an eye. I've tried leaving before and I know how much I hurt my friends with it. How I make them question what they did wrong.

But the most horrible thing about a failed suicide attempt, is the time that follows. The time in the hospital when they try to get all your organs back to function. The time when they stitch up your wrist, looking at you like you're an almost-drowned kitty.

Then the therapists come. Asking you what's wrong, even though you're sure you've spoken to that therapist before. You tell them nothing is wrong, because you're numb and your brain doesn't work right.

It's like someone switched everything but the emotions pain, fear and guilt off.

After a while the therapists leave, because you stop telling them things. You're too tired to reply to their questions.

A few minutes later your friends (or family) walks into the room. This probably is the most horrible thing you'll ever experience in life.

When I ended up in the hospital for the first time after failing and saw my friends walk in, I thought my inside was ripped apart. I'd never seen sadness, anger and incomprehension as clear on someone's face as I did on theirs.

I felt quilty for trying to leave them behind. I felt selfish and disgusted with myself for being so weak. For trying to run away from my problems instead of facing and fighting them.

My friends didn't judge me though. Something I was incredible afraid of. I though they would never look at me again. At some point I even thought they would hate me for it.

But they never did.

They always supported me. They were always there when I needed them, even when I tried to leave again.

People think suicide is an easy way out. They think they won't hurt anybody with it, because no one loves them anyway. But that's not true. Somewhere there's someone who will miss you when you're gone. Someone that will cry about you and wake up missing you so bad, that everything on the inside hurts.

"Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse. Suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better."

That's the quote I try to hang on to. That's the quote I want to ask everyone who's dealing with suicidal thoughts to hang on to.

If you ever feel like you're going to do something that can't be undo or you are dealing with another problem you can't talk about, call one of these numbers:


Depression Hotline:1-630-482-9696 

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433 

Life Line: 1-800-273-8255 

Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 

Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743 

Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438 

Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673 

Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272 

Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000 

Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-439-4253  

These are the suicide hotlines for other countries:


Austria 01-713-3374 

Australia 1-800-817-569 

Barbados 429-9999 

Brazil 21-233-9191 

Canada 514-723-4000 

China 852-2382-0000 

Guatemala 502-254-1259 

Holland 0900-0767 

Honduras 504-237-3623 

Hungary 62-420-111 

India 91-22-307-3451 

Italy 06-7045-4444 

Maylaysia 03-756-8144 

Mauritius 46-48-889 or 800-93-93 

Mexico 525-510-2550 

New Zealand 4-473-9739 

Nicarague 505-268-6171 

Norway 815-33-300 

Cyprus 0-777-267 

Denmark 70-201-201 

Egypt 7621602 

Estonia 6-558-088 

Finland 040-5032199 

Portugal 239-72-10-10 

Republic of Ireland 1850-60-90-90 

Russia 8-20-222-82-10 

Singapore 800-221-4444 or 000-227-0309 

South Africa 0861-322-322 

South Korea 2-715-8600 

Spain 91-459-00-50 

Sri Vincent 1-692-909 

Sweden 031-711-2400 

Switzerland 143 

Thailand 02-249-9977 

Trinidad and Tobago 868-645-2800 

Ukraine 0487-327715 or 0482-226565 

United Kingdom 08457-90-90-90 

United States 1-800-Suicide (7842433) or 1-800-Talk (8255) or - 1-800-827-757

Also, you can always send a message. Please don't forget that.

Hang in there. You're worth it.

- Kyran

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