Don't let friendships go to waste II

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When I went back to my last chapter, I saw someone who wondered how things went with Aaron. I realized it was only fair to tell you guys how things went. 

I called him. Which was, ofcourse, quite a strange experience. I forgot to say my name and so he had absolutely no idea who was calling him. When I told him it was me, he was quiet for what seemed minutes. 

He told me he wasn't sure what to say. It had been a long time, which it has been indeed. He asked me how I was doing, I said I was doing better. Which is the truth. Not the complete truth, but still the truth.

He wondered why I called him and I said that I'd been thinking about him lately. That I was just wondering what he'd been up to lately. 

He told me about his plans of studying in another state, because he had gotten quite sick of Tennessee. He said he still enjoyed skateboarding, something I'd taught him and that he had changed his opinion on The Hobbit - that it's actually a great book. He told me about his pet snake, Hunter. 

I told him that I'd moved out. I was surprised he understood why. I told him I'd been through some things since we parted and he said he'd like to hear what - which surprised me. Most people don't really like to listen to other people's drama, which is understandable. 

I asked him if he'd seen the most recent trailer for The Hobbit and he said that he expected a lot from this movie. He had been to all of them. As have I. 

We talked about the past a bit. Our old teachers. He hasn't gone to same high school as I have, so we talked about that too. 

We're both busy graduating, so I asked him what he was going to study. Apparently he wants to become a lawyer. 

We're meeting up on wednesday for coffee, as we apparently both have developed an addiction for it. He promised I'd get to meet Hunter soon and I told him he'd meet my cat when I finally adopt one (as a matter of face, leave some nice names in the comments or tweet them to me). 

He regrets not being a part of the group anymore, regardless of the fact he has found himself some nice friends aswell. Hanging out with all of us sounded like a good idea to him.

Why is hanging on to friends so important? Because not everyone is suited to be your friend. Some people grow up to be extreme assholes. To be cocky and loud. That's not my kind of person - though it might be yours. My kind of person is him - or herself. Doesn't hurt others on purpose. Can obsess over insanely stupid things. Accepts others the way they are. 

Those kind of people are rare.

I was happy, extremely happy, to notice that Aaron had stayed (or grown) to be that kind of person. He said he has gotten three tattoos, (as I said) a pet snake and wants a Harley. 

I'm not sure how I'm going to present him my life story, from the moment we stopped talking. The suicide attempts, the selfharm, the locking myself up the house too afraid to go outside. All the things he missed, either because I pushed him away or because he decided it was all too much. 

I think I can say I re-gained a friend. And that makes me truly grateful. Because selecting your friends is a delicate job. 

I hope some of you will be able to re-gain your friends. I honestly do.

- Kyran

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