Memories: Part 1

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"Come on come on come ON Drift before my Carrier catches us out of bed." Hot Rod frantically whispered in urgency as he dragged an unsure slightly smaller youngling behind him. They were sneaking out of the habsuite to go into the woods outside in the backyard. It was roughly about midnight, and it was around the time that Hot Rod's Carrier would be falling into recharge for the night. This was their little secret, Hot Rod often dragging Drift along for mini adventures and getting dents and scrapes but Drift couldn't deny that it was fun. Hot Rod was fun and was like his beacon of sunshine in his dreary life back at the orphanage. Yes, he was an orphan. His Carrier and Sire having died some time ago. His Carrier from delivering him and his Sire from illness before that; Drift never got to meet his parents at all unlike the other younglings at the orphanage. And Hot Rod gets to experience a life with loving parents, caretakers who love him so wholly and unconditionally. Drift used to be jealous of this - he still is in a way, after all who wouldn't be when you're stuck in a place that doesn't like you much and the other younglings pick on you because you can see things they can't? Hot Rod thought it was cool that he could see things like auras or pick up on intimate feelings that EM fields can hide. It's how he knows that the ones who care for the younglings at the orphanage don't like him. 

Their EM fields project kindness and love but their true feelings are so different...

The duo make it into the woods and Hot Rod lets go of his wrist to take out a flashlight from subspace and grins at the white and red youngling that he had dragged out here in the pitch black of the night. "O-okay now what Roddy?" Drift asked unsurely as he took out his own flashlight, flicking it on. "And now we spirit hunt! It'll be fun, I promise!" Hot Rod proclaimed reassuringly, twirling around on the heel of a pede and begins to walk.

Fun...right. Yeah. This was their usual game. They did this at least once a week, or once every other week when Drift would stay over. The spirit hunting game was something that they came up with about a year ago now based off of Drift's unusual ability to sense and see things differently than everyone around them. They had hit it off immediately years ago at a public playground. The orphanage had taken all the younglings out to play and hopefully to get them interacting with families outside the building's walls to entice adoption. It also just so happened that Hot Rod's family had also visited that same day because Hot Rod had been good all week and his parents wanted to reward him for good behavior with something fun. Drift at the time didn't care in all honesty. He don't even KNOW the spunky stubborn flame colored youngling, much less wanted to interact with the other kids there. He was, after all, just the odd one, the freaky four optics who saw weird slag. He knew his fellow orphans made fun of him behind his back, would laugh or jeer at him and he just...became numb. 


But then Hot Rod had seen him off at the edge of the park, sitting under a tree all by himself. The little white and red mech doesn't know what had possessed his now best friend at the time to come over and talk, but he was so happy that they met through these crazy coincidences.

Drift instantly liked the lively brightly colored young mech, because he wore his spark on his shoulder, said what was on his processor and didn't give a single frag about what others would think. Drift could feel in Hot Rod's aura that he was genuine and it helped the smaller mech to open up and let him in. To be friends with him.

From that day on, whenever Drift was picked on and the flame colored youngling saw it, he would immediately jump in to stand up for Drift. Even going so far as to beat them up if it got to that point in an argument. Hot Rod was his protector, his rock, and everything that Drift aspired to be. Kind yet strong, the kind of mech who didn't care about what others thought and lived every day to the fullest. Loved like there was no tomorrow. He wanted to be just like him. Just like his best friend. It was a surprise to learn that they even shared the same creation day!

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