I laughed "yep they do like to make us do impossible things. Which actually I have a nack for doing so I guess that may mean I'm going to win."

"We'll see about that." Cedric laughed.

"Where do you want to go today?" I asked as we climbed into a carriage that would take us to Hogsmeade.

"Umm, I'd like to check out scrivenshafts, honeydukes and dervish and bangs but other than that I don't think there's anywhere else I need to go, what about you Harry?"

"Well I need to go to Gladrags as funnily enough becoming a girl means you need a new wardrobe. You already said the other shops that I would like to visit. Actually could we go into zonkos?" I rambled.

"Sure." Cedric grinned.

We got out of the carriage and walked through the gates of Hogsmeade.

"Hey, around 2 o'clock my friends are meeting up for butterbeer and I wondered if you wanted to join us?" I asked as we walked down the quaint little street.

"Sure, it would be nice to get to know your friends." Cedric grinned.

We walked into Hogsmeade and I looked around. I had forgotten how amazing it
was - sweet treats as crazy and as colourful as the language I would love to use when talking about numerous people one of which being Voldemort.

Cedric and I both picked up some sugar quills and classic chocolate frogs. I also picked up a few things for Sirius and Remus such as a heap of chocolate bars, Bertie bots every flavour beans and exploding bonbons.

After paying we walked next door into scrivenshafts. I browsed the shelves of quills and I found one with a handsome hippogriff feather. I picked one up and I also picked up a notebook, parchment and a pheasant feather quill.

I found Cedric hidden amongst piles of parchment. "Who are you trying to hide from Cedric?" I giggled.

"Ha ha," Cedric laughed slightly sarcasticly.

I had paid for my stuff so I had free hands. I took a few of the rolls of parchment that were about to fall off the top. I began juggling them around, slowly adding more and more rolls of parchment. Cedric was laughing so hard he dropped several rolls of parchment. I walked over to the counter and put all the rolls down on it - there was at least 7. Cedric added another 7 then paid.
He shoved them all into a bag and we walked out laughing.

"Where did you learn to juggle like that?" He asked.

"Oh you know here and there." I responded mysteriously.

I learnt when I was young as I found that it was an easy way to make doing the laundry for Aunt Petunia fun.

Our next stop was dervish and bangs. Cedric bought a book on the history of his favourite quidditch team (Pride of Portree). While I just looked.

"Have you looked into the quidditch teams since we last spoke?" Cedric asked.

I had and I had some assistance from Sirius (which was basically him telling me what team my dad supported).

"I have actually and I have decided to follow Puddlemere United." I responded.

"Good choice." Cedric grinned.

We walked out of Dervish and bangs and into Zonkos. I found a lot of rather intriguing items. As well as pranks, they also sold the most random things ever. I picked up some dung bombs, a notebook covered in penis's that said 'don't be a dick or you'll be put in the dog house', some drawing equipment, a fanged frisbee, a photo frame, two blocks of glass (for an experiment), a fake wand that turned into a dog chew and various other bits and bobs that would end up being used to prank people.

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