Kiyotaka X Kiyone: Aftermath

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'Another problem arises'

Supposed to be the title, but I felt that the other title makes more sense.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka POV

"So ,uh. What now?" I asked.

The person I was asking was still fully naked after our sexual intercourse. Ayanokouji Kiyone, or my female version. After that whole ordeal, I had been thinking about the potential causes for all of this happening.

Why are we in the same world? What world even was this?

As if reading my mind, she answered, "Let's confirm what world this is."

We both had the same thought, that was the closet. The clothes were definitely male clothes... so how should I explain this to my classmates?

I internally sighed at the oncoming commotion I can foresee soon.

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower first. Think about what you'll tell your classmates," Kiyone offered.

One option was to disguise her as my sister. It would make sense for all our similarities.

I had a slight aversion to that choice, partially due to the fact that I dislike having people like Ike or Yamauchi flirt with the female version of myself. I'd probably be slightly disgusted.

I could act as an overprotective older brother, but that facade would be mentally exhausting, even for me.

Therefore, to prevent the perverts' endless flirting, she'll simply have to be my girlfriend. I can ward off the perverts, while simultaneously having a plausible explanation.

Of course, there are other benefits to having her as my girlfriend, but it'll only be hypocritical of me to explain them as I call out Ike and Yamauchi for their behavior.

A/N: The other benefits should be self-explanatory, but they're the occasional hookups they might or might not have. I also just wanted to make them be in a relationship, since that'd be funny lol.

I'm not sure how I'd explain all this to chairman Sakayanagi. Should I just tell him the truth?

I decided to simply call him and improvise if needed. The phone ringed twice before picking up.

"Ah, hello? Kiyotaka-kun?"

"Yes, it's me. I have a dire situation I needed to report."

His voice became slightly panicked after I informed him.

"A dire situation!? Is it regarding your father? I'll provide you my full support if that's the case."

"Nothing as serious as that. It's hard to explain this, since you probably wouldn't believe me. The thing is, the female version of myself transported to this world."

He was speechless for a second. I could almost imagine his mouth opened in shock of what he heard.

"I... uh. Sorry, I need to regain my composure. You're right that it's hard for me to believe, do you have any evidence that allows you to say so?"

"Yes, but it'd be difficult for me to explain through a phone call. Is there any possible way you could somehow verify in person?"

"I'm a little busy, but I should be able to get there in a hour if the situation really is as you said."

"Sorry for taking so much of your time. Thank you, chairman Sakayanagi."

"Of course, Kiyotaka-kun. It's the least I could do. I'll see you in a hour, if that's fine with you."

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