"Well, I don't like the fact that I have been enters into a death wish but here we are. I have decided to try and think positive and take it as an opportunity to learn new things," I answered truthfully.

"How do you feel about being a girl Harry?" Skeeta asked.

"Honestly it's fun at the moment. Apart from the fact that boys can be pigs and just like to stare at my breasts," I responded.

Skeeta gave me a look of understanding then asked "What do you think your parents would think of this?"

"Well I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly what they say as they are dead," I started bitterly. I felt a hand close around mine - it was Cedric's. My breath hitched slightly and after taking a deep breath I continued, "however if they were here today, I think my dad would say that I had just pulled of the best prank ever, my mum would probably be furious at me for getting myself into trouble but I know they would help me try to win and if I did win, they would be damn proud of me."

As I finished, I felt a burst of confidence inside of me. I was going to win. I would win for my parents. I had pulled off this prank in memory of my dad. I now looked like my mum. So I would win for them.

"That was very touching Harry. What would your family say to you when they hear what happened?" Skeeta asked.

"The muggles I live with aren't my family, they hate me. My real family may not be blood related however they are the best people ever. When I told my two Uncles, they were shocked and angry that I am facing danger however I know that if I win they will be so proud of me. They truly are the best people ever." I smiled.

"One final question Harry, I'm sure our reader's are dying to know, do you currently like someone." Skeeta asked nosily.

"Madam Skeeta, I must intervene. I do not think this is related to the topic of conversation." Cedric stated.

"It's alright Cedric. I do like someone Miss Skeeta-"

"Call me Rita. Care to give us anymore details about this myself person?" She asked eager for the cherry on top of the ice cream.

"No," I responded simply, a smirk on my lips.

At that moment, the door opened and Professor Dumbledore poked his head in.

"Sorry to interrupt this cosy little interview however we need the champions for the weighing of the wands ceremony."

I breathed a deep sigh of relief then walked out of the broom closet. I suddenly realised that I was still holding Cedric's hand. Hastily I dropped it, my face turning red, then walked over to where Fleur sat. She had been sending him little flirtatious looks which evidently he hadn't noticed causing her to become very frustrated.

I sat down next to her and she whispered "So Diggory."

"So Krum." I whispered in return.

Fleur laughed then sighed, "he must either be oblivious or couldn't care less."

"Fleur, he's probably been used to girls flirting at him ever since he became famous and you have probably had to get used to guys falling at your feet aswell, would you like me to pull a few strings?" I explained.

She nodded smiling.

"Before the weighing of the wand ceremony begins, we have pictures to take. First up is Miss Delacour." Bagman announced.

I stood up and walked over to Krum. I held out my hand and said "Harry Potter, nice to meet you."

He took my hand and shook it once.

"Viktor Krum," he responded in his thick eastern-european accent.

"I have some advice, ask out Fleur Delacour. You have probably had to get used to people throwing herself at you because of your fame. I get it. She has had to get used to people throwing themselves at you because of her looks. She gets you and wants to get to know you." I stated.

"Miss Potter, you're up next." Bagman called.

"Think about what I just said," I advised.

I walked over to where the camera man was  and waited for my instructions.

"Straighten your back please, head up and smile."

After an hour consisting of what felt like hundreds of photographs, the weighing of the wand ceremony and dozens of very inappropriate jokes made by me, we were finally allowed to leave.

I walked out with Cedric smiling widely.

"What lesson do you have to get to?" He asked.

"Double history of magic, you?"  I responded.

"I have a free afternoon," he grinned before nevously asking "hey, why don't we grab some food from the kitchens the do some studying in the library?"

Oh my god. Did Cedric just ask me on a date?

I turned a deep red then squeaked, "I'd love to,"

Cedric grinned then grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchens.

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