"I'm glad you stood up for yourself Harry. Although Snape must have poor vision of he think you look identical to Lily. While your hair and eyes are the same your face is definitely James'." Remus stated in his usual serene voice.

"You're a lot shorter than Lils was and you have much bigger breasts," Sirius stated.

I couldn't help but crack up with laughter. Remus wacked Sirius around the the head which only made me laugh harder.

When I had calmed myself from my hysterics, I voiced the reason why I wanted Remus and Sirius here. "I asked you to come here tonight because I wanted to ask you for help preparing for the tasks in the tournament...and for romantic advice."

"Of course we will help you prepare for the tasks," Remus responded.

"Ooo ooooo ickle Harry coming to his Uncles for romantic advice, what do you need them dear goddaughter ?" Sirius asked smirking.

Sirius called me his GODDAUGHTER. He really is the sweetest.

"Well I need advice about...boys," I stated.

"May I ask why us for boy advice and not for example Hermione?" Remus questioned his voice raising in pitch slightly.

I looked back and fourth between the too of them and just asked "when?"

Sirius tried to play it off as though he didn't know what I was talking about, "When what." However his voice sounded nervous.

"Let me address the elephant in the room - you are both shit at hiding your relationship so there's no point hiding it anymore." I laughed.

Remus and Sirius turned a deep red - it was as though they were two teenagers who had been caught snogging in a broom closet.

"How?" Sirius asked

"How what," I responded sweetly.

"How did you find out?" Remus asked.

"Are you kidding it was so obvious. I could practically feel the sexual tension radiating off of you, you seemed to be seemed to be standing too close to each other for it to be considered friends and Remus, Sirius kept brushing his hand against yours when you were laughing." I stated matter-of-factly.

They stared at me before Sirius asked nervously "Are-are you ok with this - me and Rem?"

I looked at them before responding "If you think I'm not ok with two of the first people to ever care about me dating, I think you need to visit Madam Pomfrey and get a cure for insanity. Of course I'm ok with it you goofballs!"

Remus and Sirius looked at eachother before looking back at me and tackled me in a huge bear hug. I shrieked with laughter as we all fell in a laughing mess of limbs onto my bed.

"Thank you cub," Remus whispered.

I gave him a gentle squeeze before attempting to free myself. My attempt failed so I began to tickle Sirius.

"Oi pup stop that tickles," he shrieked.

"It was the only way I could get up." I grinned.

I got up off the bed and stood before them, a serious expression on my face. "I must warn you, if either one of you break the others heart, I will by law have to kick your arse."

"What law is that then Pup?" Sirius asked laughing.

"The protective niece law," I smirked.

Sirius gulped.

"Remus, it's Lily," Sirius whispered in fear.

Catching my look of confusion, Remus explained, "Cub, you are acting exactly like Lily did when she figured out we were dating."

I blushed then asked Remus a question I had been dying to ask. "Uncle Remus, what are your best tips for people going through their monthlys. You're the best person to ask as you also have to go through them. What's the best remedy to get through PMS?"

Sirius burst out in hysterical laughter and I joined in soon after. Remus just stood glaring at us.

After 5 minutes he asked half irritably, half amused "are you finished?"

"Nope," was Sirius' wheazy response.

We carried on laughing for at least another 5 minutes until I had no air left in me to breathe. Sirius and I collapsed on my bed - weak from all the laughing. Remus stared at us smiling. Sirius had his arm wrapped around me in comforting hug.

Remus stood, unsure what to do so I mumbled, "c'mon Umcle Moony join us, we are a family after all."

Remus joined Sirius and I on the bed wrapping one arm around me and holding Sirius' hand with his free hand.

It was amazing - I had a family who loved me. Happily, I drifted off to sleep in the comforting arms of my Uncles.

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