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Ariana's POV

My friend, Kayla was talking to me about something which I wasn't exactly paying attention to. I wasn't intentionally ignoring her its just I'm not interested in things like dresses and heels and that's what she was talking about right this second.

My history teacher was patrolling the isles of the classroom making sure that we were all working. He gave the occasional yell towards a student who I couldn't care less about.

"Do you think Danny would say yes if I asked him out?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her in disbelief.

No way.. She can't like Danny! He's a dick and always has been. He's been a dick to her yet she's considering dating him. I have to protect her, its my duty as her best friend to help her through these things.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't ask him just incase. You know that hes a dickhead." She nodded her head and began to write again.

"Y'know. Your brothers hot" I almost choked on nothing as I heard those words spill out of her mouth.

"That's disgusting" I spat.

"Well im sorry but its true" I rolled my eyes and looked down at my desk and sighing.

Out of anyone in the world she chooses Danny and my brother, Ashton. Why does she have to choose people who upset her and people who are related to her best friend.

"Could you- uh- ask Ashton about me?" I raised one of my eyebrows questioningly at my best friend trying to get my head around the fact that she liked my brother.

"Kayla! You speak to him. I don't want too. I see enough of him at home I don't want to see him at school!" I groaned.

"You're lucky. Does he have abs?!" I furrowed both of my eyebrows and slowly moved my chair closer to the wall because let's face it she looked mental right now.

She sighed and turned around as someone called her name. She was the popular one out of the two of us. I'm the dork I guess, nobody else really talks to me unless they're forced too which is rare.

Ashton's friends, Tom and Jack like to make fun of me but none of us have told Ash about it. I feel like I should too get back at them but then Ash would loose his friends.

Kayla's blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders as her bright green eyes fluttered around the room. She's perfect compared to me or anyone really since most of the girls at this school are fake, barbie wannabes and it sucks.

Although I do get a lot of amusement when they walk through the doors looking like tangerines with hair and makeup. Most of them have darker hair naturally which makes it even more funny too see the dark roots appearing through their ratty bleach blonde hair.

They would all be classed as barbie dolls since they all look almost the same and they barely wear much clothing so they can show off their perfect figures and get the guys at this school to literally swoon for them.

My ex boyfriend actually dumped me for one of them and I hope he regrets it. They aren't perfect. Nobodys perfect. Well that's what I believe, nobody is completely perfect, just perfect in their own little way.

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