serena Yvonne rescue

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Pokemon universe 3

Begin of Thursday midnight at 12:20 am at vanivill town, kalos region.

Grace sitting at kitchen table along with her fletching on right shoulder, she give sigh and stubb her cigarette on astray and begin getting up on the chair exit the kitchen toward the living room was about goes upstairs but she heard something drop from the kitchen as she turned around begin walking back to the kitchen to find the something and noticed her rolling pin on floor from kitchen counter.

Grace: "that's odd why rolling pin drop on the floor without making a noise."

Fletching: "fletch."

She lean forward to grab her rolling pin from the floor but didn't she realized there fl-1000 standing at kitchen entrance for a second as she get up walk towards the table place rolling pin down and turned around quick come face to face with fl-1,000 in little bit close while his razor claws up and got evil smile, "so long Mrs. Y. Hahaha."

At Serena Yvonne room with a lot of pictures of ash Ketchums on the wall got heart shape paint inside. And Serena went left side of bed staring at the wall with sad look on her face and said, "ash, I miss you so much right now." Then she heard footsteps across the hallway toward her bedroom and she thinks probably her mom check on her again, she pretend go to sleep with eyes closed when her mom open the door really wide and turn on the light make her turn around to the right in front of the door open her eyes to see her mom but instead see fl-1,000 with a smile on his face little bit blood and guts on razor claws as she getting up and said without emotion, "who are you?"

Fl-1,000: "I'm friendly cyborg who take you away from this place and stay at penthouse in japony, but first my boss want to meet you. You pack stuff clothes as you can alright. Me and my friend will be at the living room waiting for you."

Serena: "of course."

In dark living room with sliver samurai and fl-1,000 sitting in the chair staring at crushed dead fletching in the wall with small crater while grace is offscreen halfway laying down behind kitchen table counter at right side with lead of blood to straight to rolling pin across the kitchen until they heard Serena Yvonne walking the stairs to the living room in her clothes that she wear on the journey with ash and two people, she got yellow travel bag on her back and medium size leather brown suitcase as they got up from the couch

Serena: "ready."

F1-1,000: "excellent, oh we killed your mom, fletching, and rhyhorn by the way."

Serena: "no problem, she never let me seen my ashy again and I hate that rhyhorn anyway."

Fl-1,000: "don't worry my friend will picked him up at Kanto airport on Friday night at 8:30 pm. That's okay with you."

Serena: "sure."

She walk up to coffee table grab her ash plush doll quick when both fl-1,000 and sliver samurai place their hands on the shoulders when fl-1,000 press the teleport settings with his finger make themselves teleport to kuro corp quick without burnt marks on wooden floor.

Mr. Kuro office in japony, Tokyo at 1:30 pm when they arrived at the office then Mr. Kuro himself enter the office along with ripper roo and shaina walk up to her.

Mr. Kuro: "greetings Ms. Yvonne. You will be staying at luxury penthouse in japony."

Serena: "excellent, I learned to cook, clean, and Parkour when I was at 8 yrs old."

Mr. Kuro: "good, you will be learning super fist move for evil with shaina at training ground today and don't worry you will be reunited with your boyfriend on Friday night with ravess who will pick him up at 7:55 pm while deadshot will take care of his mom and Mr. Mime including Alicia gogo grab his stuff with transport gun over there."

Serena evil smiled: "good, both of them deserve it to keep ash away from me, oh I need someone kidnapped Horace at Vermillion city beach in 4:30 pm to set up trap for goh on Sunday afternoon from my universe."

Mr. Kuro: "Baron send one shadowkan kidnapped him and bring him to Liberio Marley HQ briefing room in attack on titan universe 3 at 11:45 am on Sunday mid-day a perfect trap and trick for goh. You should be there at 11:20 am."

Serena: "good, I need to go school at Vermillion city, Kanto region. Thou."

Mr. Kuro smile pride: "of course my dear, after all school is very important."

[New chapter is out for today]

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