Chapter 31 ||

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Jin barged through the door "I came as fast as I cou—" he started, but quickly stopped when hi saw me and Jimin on the floor. He was now sitting against the wall, while I was still crying with my head on his lap. "What the hell did you do?" Jin yelled, while crouching down to us.

"Me?? I didn't do anything! She just came home and broke down" Jimin snapped back. I literally couldn't even engage in their conversation, I was stuck in my own head and all I could think about was the pain.

Jin sighed. "Do you know where she was?" He asked, while trying to psychically sit me up against the wall. Holding me in place, he stared into my swollen eyes, trying to figure out what happened.

"With Jungkook I think" Jimin answered while helping Jin holding me up. Right when I heard his name I just stared sobbing harder. Jin and Jimin just looked at each other, putting the pieces together.

Jin cursed, before getting up. Jimin got up as well, and started helping Jin to lift me up."You think they—"
"Yup." Jin cut him off, getting me into his arms and carrying me to my room. He laid me in my bed, putting the covers over me before laying down next to me, pulling me against him.

Feeling Jin's warmth felt good, but it wasn't from him I wanted it. "It hurts." I managed to sob out. Jin pulled me even closer, cuddling me as close as he could. "I know Y/N, I know" he whispered.

"Can I get you anything?Food, water?" Jimin asked, sitting by the bed. "A bottle of vodka would be nice" I mumbled. "Well oka-" Jimin said about to actually go and get it.

"Jimin what the fuck dude, no!" Jin stopped him. Jimin froze in his steps, turning back. "But she's in pain" he mumbled. "Oh yeah and like getting her wasted is gonna fix that" Jin snarled back. Jimin shrugged before sitting back down.  "I think it will" I whispered. Jin shook his head.

"You know what I think? I think we are going to sleep" Jin answered. I looked at him, tears still rolling down my cheek. "Can you stay?"

He smiled and nodded, laying down all the way. "I'm gonna go to my room then" Jimin said before walking out and closing the door. Part of me wanted to him stay, or say thank you or anything but I couldn't get the words out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jin whispered next to me. I took a deep breath, and sniffled. "Yea" I whispered. So I did. It was the best comfort I could get at the moment. I needed my best friend. We stayed up talking for at least two more hours, before I feel asleep in his arms.


I stayed in bed the whole next day. And then that one day turned into a week. A week of little to no food, no showers and no moving. Just staying in my bed staring out the window. For the one time in my life, I followed my heart. And It got broken.

"Do you maybe want to take a shower? I can help you get out of bed" Jimin asked, having just brought me food. I shook my head no, and he sighed. "I really think it will—"

"I said no, Jimin." I firmly cut him off. He just nodded, before walking out, closing my door. I felt so numb. I wanted to cry and scream at the same time. I could hear him and Jin talking downstairs.

I rolled my eyes, thinking they were probably talking about how annoying I was being. And then I heard the front door. I assumed Jin left or something, so I didn't bother trying to listen anymore.

I just closed my eyes, trying not to have another breakdown. Then a quick knock came from my door, before it opened. I didn't see who it was, but then Jin spoke.

"Y/N? Are you up?" He asked. I didn't bother answering him. "I have a surprise for you" he said, hopeful that I would care. "I don't want it." I stated blankly.

"I guess we'll just have to leave then" a familiar voice then said. My eyes widened slightly, before slowly turning around. I sat up and I started crying, both out of happiness and other emotions running through my body.

"Mommy" I cried out just holding my arms for her to come and hug me. And she did. She was all dressed up in her usual work dress, assuming they just got home. "My baby" she whispered while holding me tightly. She pulled away, smiling while cupping my cheeks with her hands.

My mom was probably the sweetest woman you could ever meet. Always dressed up in dresses and jewellery, nails always polished and a beautiful smile. She was kind to everyone, and she was like my best friend. After Jin of course.

"You're not supposed to be home yet I thought—" I started asking. She wiped the tears from my cheek. "Jin called us. He was worried about you"  I softly smiled, feeling so thankful for him"

"And after seeing you now...I am too."  She sighed. I looked down, almost embarrassed. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't have come just because of this. I know work is important to you." I mumbled.

"Not more important than my daughter." I heard from the door, and surely enough there was my dad. I couldn't even express the happiness I was feeling right now, for the first time in a week I felt like myself.

My dad was one of the funniest people I knew. He was always honest, and wasn't afraid to speak his mind, but in the best way. He was really liked in town, and they were right to. He was super loving and caring, especially with us. If I need advice, he would be one of the first people I would ask.

"Hi honey" he said as he came and kissed me on my forehead, before sitting next to my mom. "Did you really come home just for me?" I shyly asked.

My mom nodded. "Of course baby. When Jin explained on the phone, there wasn't even a doubt in my mind. And seeing you look so miserable breaks my heart" she softly spoke.

"Your mother is sugarcoating it, you look like shit" my dad joined in. My mom gasped. "Nick!" She whisper yelled at him. I couldn't help but laugh, and shortly after I heard them laugh too.

"See, she gets it" he nudged at my mom. She playfully rolled her eyes before sighing. "Anyway. Sweetie I know heartbreak is tough, especially the first one" she started. I sighed, listening but trying not to cry. "But believe me when I tell you it does get better. God knows how many times I had my heart broken, but look at me now" she nudged at my dad with a sly smile.

I smiled back, looking at my dad. "Did you ever have your heart broken?" I asked him. My mom almost scoffed before looking at him again. "I mostly broke hearts to be honest" he joked. I couldn't help but laugh, as did my mom.

I heard footsteps at the door. I smiled and held my arms out, signalling for him to come and give me a hug. And he did. "Thank you Jin, really"

He pulled away and smiled. "My pleasure."
"Happy to see you still take care of her Jin, helps me keep my mind at ease when we are away" my dad said to him. My mom nodded in agreement.

"Okay let's not get all cringey here" Jin exclaimed and sat next to me. They both laughed, before starting to walk to the door. "We will leave you to it, I'm going to make dinner for you three" my mom smiled, and they both walked out. "Go on in Jimin" I heard my dad say in the hallway, and not long after Jimin came to view.

I signalled for him to come sit as well, and I could feel myself start to feel complete again. This was all I needed.


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