chapter 15||

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"And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8" Jungkook counted as we danced to the music. I swiftly moved my body around, looking at us both in the mirror. The dance was looking pretty good already, and we were off to a great start.

We were coming up to the sensual part of our dance routine. I did a turn and my body smoothly crashed right into Jungkook's, just like planned. He stood behind me, with one hand grabbed onto my lower stomach and the other holding onto my other hand. We slowly moved to the rhythm, and I would lie if all this grinding and moving didn't make me feel some type of way.

We finished staring into each other's eyes with our faces only inches apart, both breathing heavily. I could see him looking down to my lips the seconds we were standing there, before he smiled. I grinned too, exited we did the routine perfectly, and I pulled away from him.

"Holy shit that was so good!" I exclaimed while giving him a high five. He smiled "For sure, we are so getting that A" he returned, before sitting down. I joined him on the floor, resting. "So, Lee Y/N, what were you up to this weekend?" He said while slightly stretching.

"Not much, on a small trip but nothing special" I smiled, while stretching out my knee. I would be lying if I said my knee was recovered, but I still had a long way to go. Dancing was definitely testing my limits. "What about you?" I added.

"Ah you know, being with family and stuff, nothing much either" he shrugged. I nodded, and my face scrunched up in pain as I kept stretching my knee. Jungkook noticed, and moved closer. "You okay? Do you need Ice or something?" He asked, looking at my knee.

I shook my head. "I don't think I need ice but could you help me stretch it out properly?" He nodded, and moved directly in front of me. He spread my legs slightly and stretched my foot up in the air, before pushing against it, making it go backwards. His hips was directly onto mine, and I felt the pain shoot through me as he kept pushing towards my knee.

I put my hands over my face, groaning. "Tell me when to stop" he said. "Don't stop I totally need this, I swear I have the bones of a elderly woman" I groaned out. "Ouch!!" I screamed when he pushed harder.

He quickly moved back a bit. "Sorry, should I stop?" He questioned, concerned. I looked up at him, while taking deep breaths, trying to answer. "Okay I'm going to take that as a yes" he stated, and put my foot down on the floor again. I breathed in relief, and opened my eyes.

Jungkook was still halfway on top of me. "You good?" He smiled. I smiled back, before putting my thumb in the air. "Totally." He laughed, and sat himself in between my legs. "I'll give you a little massage to make up for it." He said, and started massaging my areas around my thigh and knee. "Ohhhh my god that feels amazing" I exclaimed, propping myself my on up shoulders with my head back.

I heard him chuckle, as his hands went from my knee to my thigh, and kept going up. He stopped right before it got too far up, but kept massaging in the area. It gave me butterflies, but I came back to my senses, realising that this would probably not end well if I let it continue.

I sat up. "Okay I think that's good, thanks though" I smiled and flicked his cap teasingly. He giggled before sitting down. "No worries, we should probably be going anyway"

We got our things and headed out of the dance studio. As we were walking and joking around, I noticed Jimin standing by the entrance. When he heard our laughing he looked up from his phone, his smile turned into a frown. I asked if he could pick me up after the practice, I just may or may not have forgotten to tell him that it was with Jungkook.

Jungkook has kind of been a subject we don't talk about between me and Jimin, even though we are good friends. It's just been weird after what happened on the trip. "Oh hey man, what are you doing here?" Jungkook asked as we reached him.

I just awkwardly stood there and smiled. "Y/N asked me to pick her up" he said blankly, looking at us both. "That's nice of you, although I could have done it, would have saved you the trip" Jungkook said smiling at us both.

"I wanted to" he stated before turning his head towards me. "Let's go" he added before turning around and walking to his car. Me and Jungkook said our goodbyes and I jogged over to catch up with him.

When we got in the car, I looked around the parking lot to make sure no one was there, before turning my body towards him. "Hi" I softly said before kissing his lips. He didn't exactly kiss me back, just sort of...went with it. I frowned. "What's—"

"You lied." He spoke, staring directly into my eyes. I bit my lip, before answering. "Well, I didn't lie, I told you I had dance practice. I just forgot to tell you it was with him" I mumbled awkwardly. "Which is just another word for lying. Why Y/N?" He asked annoyingly.

"I just knew you would be angry about it, so I figured it was best not to tell you" I sighed. "Of course I'm angry about it. You guys have fucked so many times and I know you think he's hot, as well as I know he likes you. And you two alone is not something I'm comfortable with"

I frowned. "So what if he's hot? I'm with you am I not? Do you not trust me?" I asked. I crossed my arms, staring at him. "Yes Y/N I trust you, but I don't trust him" he shook his head, before staring back.

"He's a nice guy. He has never hit on me or tried anything in a setting like this, and he won't. He might like me but he is still respectful and a good person" I stated, leaning my head into the seat, hoping he would drop this.

"So now your defending him?" He snarled back, before chuckling and shaking his head. "What?I just—" I stopped myself, before sighing once again. "Listen Jimin, you need to understand that I am with YOU. Just because I am friends with guys, whether I have slept with them or not, does not mean I want them. You gotta trust me, if not this isn't going to work" I protested.

He closed his eyes, looking both sad and angry. "And I'm sorry about the whole Jungkook thing, I am, but if you can't accept that we're friends or in a school project together, than this is not going to work. And if we don't have trust, we have nothing." I added.

At this point I was getting angry. He was acting like a jerk, and overreacting over the littlest thing.

I turned my head towards the window, looking out. After a few seconds in silence, I felt a finger grab my chin and turn my head. Suddenly our faces were only inches apart. He stared deeply into my eyes, and I felt myself sinking into the seats.

"I trust you" he whispered before kissing my lips softly yet passionately. I hummed in satisfaction before pulling away, smiling at him. "Good" I whispered back.

He returned the smile before sitting back, starting the car. "Let's go" he said before driving back to his house.


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